The next Legs of the Good, Bad and Ugly Tournament are going to be played today in Glasgow coordinated by Euan Caldwell, and then this coming Saturday in three separate locations – Fall In coordinated by Bob Beattie, Tornado Alley in the Dallas Area coordinated by John Hovey and the Nashville Leg coordinated by myself. Looking for some good reports shortly afterwards.
The North Yorkshire Leg coordinated by Bob Carter has just been played and I hope to post a few pictures tomorrow of the games.
Still some to go with the final games being played in hte Michigan area, also coordinated by Bob Beattie on the 19th.
To give a better idea of what it's all about, my bride has put up some video from last years Nashville Leg, and they can be seen here:
GBnU 2015 Nashville – Opening:
YouTube link
GBnU 2015 Nashville – The Players
YouTube link
GBnU 2015 Nashville – The Action
YouTube link
GBnU 2015 Nashville – Wrap-Up
YouTube link
"My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today." Richard Adams