"Wargamer niche geek t-shirts" Topic
2 Posts
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listlurker | 10 Oct 2015 12:50 a.m. PST |
For bit of amusement I've set up a webstore with some retro wargaming shirts. They are definitely niche geek, so if you don't know what they mean you probably won't be interested! if you do then at this point you might be dewey eyed :-) So if you have always wanted a Crimson Bat t-shirt link or WRG 6th link or even 'exorcists with magic daggers' link then now it your chance link If you can think of anymore cool idea, let me know thanks Simon link lurkio.co.uk lurkio.co.uk/blog badwargamers.com |
MHoxie | 10 Oct 2015 1:03 a.m. PST |
Your DBM and "White Bear and Red Moon" fu is strong. |