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"Blade Supporting Bow and Vice Versa" Topic

De Bellis Magistrorum Militum

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06 Jan 2017 9:44 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Comments or corrections?

maverick290909 Nov 2015 3:49 p.m. PST

Hello! I am preparing an army list for a Wars of the Roses game (I am using the DBMM army list book 4, list #83 with the DBM rules 3.2). I noticed that in the explanation paragraph at the bottom of the list it says "Bd (S) or (O) can support Bw (S) or (O) and Bw (S) or (O) can support Bd (S) or (O)."

However, I have not found anywhere in the rules where it talks about blade being able to support bow or the other way around. Am I missing something? I don't really see the logic in doing so either as my bow wouldn't be able to shoot over my blade and if my bow were in front the would have a terrible +2 compared to if my blade were in front at a +5. Thanks guys!

aynsley68309 Nov 2015 8:05 p.m. PST

You are correct, Bd can not support Bw or Bw support Bd in DBM 3.2 , and will look at the list in the morning. The Bd can move through the Bw though if that helps, the usual deployment is two ranks of Bw with a rank of Bd behind them. So any nasty foot coming after the Bw will need to deal with the Bd coming through, and unless it's Wb.

maverick290910 Nov 2015 6:36 a.m. PST

Hmmm, thanks for the response, I wonder if Blade can support Bow in DBMM some how?

Good call on the Blade behind bow. I was aware of this rule already, but hadn't brought it into consideration for my Wars of the Roses list yet.

Thomas Thomas10 Nov 2015 2:39 p.m. PST

Yes Blade can support Bow in both DBMM and DBA 3.0 (its side support in DBA 3.0).


Khusrau10 Nov 2015 3:18 p.m. PST

The support rules are specific to the DBMM rear support factors. (2nd last entry – bottom p36) – Bw can receive rear support +1 from Bd, vs foot, and Bd from Bw vs foot.

Not applicable to DBM.

It makes both very tough opponents vs foot, as generally you get broken up by shooting trying to get into contact, and you then either stand around under arrow storms, or go into contact piecemeal.. and usually overlapped, and find that your opponent is factor, 2, +1 for support, and if (S), then a further defensive +1. So a minimum score of 5 even with a 1 on the combat dice.

aynsley68311 Nov 2015 6:20 a.m. PST

It's nigh on the same in M, Bw get a +1 for another Bw behind him to support ( except for one or two instances ) and a +1 mitigating if S .

Same theory with shooting, opponents get broken up then when close enough Bd go through the Bw and fight them hopefully with the over
laps etc.

Maverick another interesting rule you may be aware of already is the Bw fighting mounted in close combat. Bw can not contact the front of enemy mounted they can shoot at (page 18 part 2 a third of the way down) , which means you can always hit them in the flank or rear for close combat.

Line of Knights come in , you shoot them 4 to 4, then they hit you and it's your 4 to the Knights 3, so if you have an overlap with a Bw that can flank him thus preventing the Kn recoil it's now a 4 to Kn's 2 .

maverick290911 Nov 2015 11:10 a.m. PST

Yes, from what I understand taking down cavalry with my bows will be easy, it's the opponents blades I'm worried about! :D

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