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Terry3714 Oct 2015 5:48 p.m. PST

This years Good, Bad and Ugly Tournament is off and running with a fine showing and some great looking armies at the Sydney, Australia Leg coordinated by Victor Jarmusz. Nice job Victor!

There are still 8 more Legs to play before the final overall winners are determined and the overall prizes and trophies awarded.

The locations and dates for the remaining Legs are:

Staines, England – Coordinator Tim Moore, November 1st
Glasgow, Scotland – Coordinator Euan Caldwell, November 3rd
San Antonio, Texas – Coordinator Blake Radetsky, November 7th
Michigan – Coordinator Bob Beattie, November 14th
Nashville, Tennessee – Coordinator Terry Webb, November 14th
North Yorkshire, England – Coordinator Bob Carter, November 22nd
Atlanta, Georgia – Coordinator Tom Thomas, TBD
North Texas – Coordinator John Hovey, TBD

Additionally this year we are taking a slightly different approach for the overall prize winners. First Place gets their choice, then Second Place and Third Place receives the remaining army.

We have three great HotT armies based on this years theme, armies based on Myth and Legend, as prizes thanks to Splintered Light Miniatures and HMGS MidSouth, with appropriate trophies – An Arthurian army, a Norse Myth army and an Irish myth army. We'll also have the now traditional Barker Award – trophy and special Barker Marker for the theme army voted best of those submitted from each Leg. The voting for this award will be open to anyone who wants to vote on Fanaticus, TMP and Yahoo Hott. And lastly we have the Tail End Charlie award – trophy and special figure pack.

It's not too late to sign up for one of the Legs so if you're interested and need to get in contact with the Leg coordinator, just send me a note and I'll get you in touch.

There will be more posts coming soon, as the various Legs are played out.


Terry3719 Oct 2015 9:04 a.m. PST

I just want to remind everyone that the 2015 Nashville Leg of the Good, Bad and Ugly Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, November 14th starting at noon at the Brentwood location on Crossover Lane.

This years theme is armies based on myth and /or legend, but a theme army is not required except to compete for the Barker Award. And for those who do not have an army there will be loaners available.

This is the 7th year we've run this tournament and the 3rd year it's been an international event. In fact the Sydney, Australia Leg has already played.


The rule splayed will be straight HotT 2.1. The tournament consists of three rounds, of one hour each. There are local prizes for the top three winners who are then also eligible for the overall prizes and trophies. In addition there is a Tail End Charlie Award. One thing we are doing different this year is to let the winner pick their prize based on top winner going foist. The Tail End Charlie Award is set. The top theme army voted on by local participants is then submitted with similar winners from other Legs to be voted on by the work via Fanaticus, TMP and Yahoo HotT.

This event is aimed at anyone who is interested in having fun and pushing lead. Experience is not required since having fun is the primary goal. So even if you've never played HotT, don't hesitate to join in.

If you have any questions, please let me know,


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