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"Skirmishing Hordes Of The Things?" Topic

De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA)

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03 Jan 2017 7:11 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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03 Jan 2017 7:12 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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f u u f n f12 Feb 2010 8:47 a.m. PST

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to use HOTT as the basis for skirmish (single based model as a lone unit) type fights?
Did it work okay?
Were there any parts that needed work?

I seem to remember giving this something of a go about three years ago. But it was late and the game shop I was playing at was closing up. And of course I was playing against the guy running the shop so his attention was not really on explaining what we were doing and we only went through a turn or two.
We never got around to giving it another try, I moved across the country a month or so later.
But my HOTT book has been sitting collecting alot of dust and needs some use.

runs with scissors12 Feb 2010 8:51 a.m. PST

I can't see a problem if you used large figures on the standard HoTT bases. 28mm figures on the 15mm bases might just about work. Changing the base sizes might be a bit of a drag as the rules are so precise. If you like the HoTT philosophy I'd recommend giving Song of Blades and Heroes a whirl – it has the same 'build an army out of anything you like' appeal but is specifically a skirmish game.

Undead Sock Puppet12 Feb 2010 9:02 a.m. PST

Doesn't seem like a good mix to me. HOTT is made for fairly large scale battles (I always assumed maybe 300 humans per element) and large masses of formed men fight differently than skirmishers do.

f u u f n f12 Feb 2010 9:17 a.m. PST

Well my thoughts were runnning a campaign with the standard mass battles, but with the smaller skirmish stuff added in for scouting or raiding missions.

Terrement12 Feb 2010 9:35 a.m. PST


I suppose it could be stretched to do so, but suspect you'd find a better fit, more enjoyable game by finding a skirmish level set of rules you like rather than forcing the rules to fit what you are trying to do.


Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2010 11:25 a.m. PST

I have done it a number of times. It works well. HOTT design has a variable number of figures per element. While Blades and Riders might be hundreds of creatures, it is difficult to think of Heros and Wizards in the same numbers. Even if they have an entourage. One hero and 300 henchmen just does not seem right.

So I did a game as runs with scissors said, 28mm figs on 15mm bases (40mm wide) and also 75mm figs on 60mm wide bases. The only conceptual aspect that is troublesome is the lack of shooting by non-shooting types. In the rules, shooting is part of close combat, and only long range shooting is done by Shooters. These were modern era games so there needs to be more shooting.

If you have police as blades or Special Ops as heroes you think they might shoot too. I have not done this but was thinking as I was trying next time I use HOTT for a skirmish game, with each figure representing a single combatant. I did a fantasy skirmish game -- humans vs. zombies, undead, and aliens. I had all the normal HOTT types: police were shooters, firemen were warband, some SWAT police with shields and clubs were blades, motorcycle police were riders, special ops/army were heroes, army flamethrower was artillery. As this is based on the Resident Evil series, I want Alice to be a Paladin. She rides a motorcycle, is powerful, but brittle if Umbrella Corp can shut her off. However, she should be able to shoot.

So here is my suggestion for modern games with HOTT. Allow various troop types to shoot along with their fighting powers. Not shoot with same effect as their basic type, as most guns are equal, in general sense. So Alice, is a Paladin, but can also shoot at +3 at all targets. She takes damage as a Paladin from shooting. SWAT Police blades, can also shoot, but do close combat as Blades. SWAT motorcycle riders also can shoot. Special ops/army are heroes that shoot.

here is a 25mm example

Here is a pic of the 75mm version.

Why not use some other rules? I know HOTT.

Dale Hurtt12 Feb 2010 12:30 p.m. PST

Song of Blades and Heroes has a lot of the same mechanics as DBA/HOTT, expect for the command and control (i.e. it does not use PIPs). It you like opposed die rolls for combat, combat results based on beating or doubling your opponent, supporting (fire or close combat) can change the odds (as opposed to each getting their own strike), and other DBA/HOTT-like mechanics, Songs of Blades and Heroes has it.

Just not PIPs.

The command and control requires the use of Leaders, 2iC, etc. For $8 USD you can't really do wrong.

Acharnement12 Feb 2010 6:04 p.m. PST

Phil Barker wrote a set of rules for skirmishing based on DBA, called De Bellis Velitum:
(See #4 in the list.)
It has some ideas that you may be able to use with skirmishing HOTT.

f u u f n f12 Feb 2010 9:38 p.m. PST

Thanks Acharnement for the link, these look like they could be very useful.

Thorfin113 Feb 2010 4:42 a.m. PST

I think it could work well and I have spent time adapting both HOTT and DBA for skirmish, although I never completed the process as I came across other "bespoke" skirmish sets that suited even better – particularly the "Song of" stable of rules from Ganesha Games that share many of the same mechanisms.

As previous posters have said, if you enjoy HOTT/DBA mechanics (with a different C&C system) then Ganesha is the way to go.

I would be wary of De Bellis Velitum – I have it but have never been able to generate the enthusiasm to play as it is much more DBM style than DBA – not at all what I am looking for in a skirmish game.

Noelvh14 Feb 2010 9:36 a.m. PST

I have never been much for Fantasy skirmish games, as I have been a mass battle player ChipCo FR!3, and TCE. Skirmish was for SciFi games, not fantasy. Then I picked up Mordheim once more and fell in love with it. There are a few things I do not like about it.
*It's a GW product and they show there support for it (not)
*It's 28mm
*It's hard to get all the rules and add ons as they are not published any more.
*The minis are way to pricey for me, and I have to use non GW minis to play.

I keep reading about SBH, so I took the plunge and for $5.00 USD I got the PDF. I read it and it was ok. I joined the Y group, and asked a few questions like how can I make it more like Mordheim. Well buy the supplements, was the reply. Oh great another game ware I have to keep buying things to play. So another $24.00 USD later I had the 4 books I needed to play this game like Mordheim. For a total spent of $29.00. I now read the 3 new books and am in total shock. How can a game with so little to it be so good. I played my first game and saw for my self. The game is more commander then army. You are forced to play, and not let the rules play for you. Mordheim is now back on the shelf ware it belongs. I can now play in both 15mm, and 28mm. So I have a ton of left over 15mm from my mass gaming that will make nice warbands. And all my 28mm MH stuff will be SBH warbands.

Great game.


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