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De Bellis Velitum

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Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP25 Sep 2013 8:11 a.m. PST

The latest issue of Lone Warior (Issue 184) the journal of the Solo Wargamers Association is now out and as usual it's packed out with exciting articles (reviews and similar are placed on the SWA blog pages to keep the magazine "long term useful").

Rob Morgan tackles the WWII battle for Crete and the resistance after the invasion.

Chris Hahn imagines Hannibel being faced down North of the Alps – and fights the battle with Armati.

Bob Stewart offers some handy hints on Painting Tactics for the solo wargamer.

Jonathan Aird describes Adventure in Ancient Skirmishing with De Bellis Velitum (DBV) rules.

Kevin White offers A House Divided – ECW campaigns and a complete rule set for battles.

Jeffrey G. Chorney offers a pair of linked articles – with a rethink of Leipzig, and a novel approach to Event Cards.

George Arnold, Paul Le Long and Rich Barbuto each describe their "dream solo projects" – namely an imaginary ACW campaign, The Allied Invasion of the channel Islands 1944, and The battle of Niagra 1812.

Rounding out the issue is Marvin Scott's Ambush in the sky – can the VIP escape the aerial trap that has been set for his transport?

So a very varied issue – and also very varied approaches. Skirmishes to campaigns. Small forces of 20mm figures (Jonathan Aird) through paper armies (Kevin White) to kriegspiel blocks and map movement (Jeffrey G. Chorney). And a good read cover to cover.

Details on subscriptions (paper copies or pdf) are available on the Lone Warrior blog page (

Joes Shop Supporting Member of TMP26 Sep 2013 7:48 a.m. PST

Received my issue two days ago-excellent, as usual!

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