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"What are the medieval europeans professionals armies ?" Topic

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Bigbru13 Mar 2014 2:29 a.m. PST


I'm starting DBM and looking for an armie who suit my tastes, but since there is more than 300 of them i'm a bit lost.

I'm looking for a regular european armie with a good variety of troops (except french ordonnance and WotR armies).

Does someone knows some of them ?

Yesthatphil13 Mar 2014 2:44 a.m. PST

Italian Condotta armies are very colourful, have a good mix of troops combining drilled civic troops with mercenary professionals and quite a number of choices …

There are some inspiring examples of Communal and Condotta armies on

Ancients on the Move

Rapier Miniatures13 Mar 2014 3:10 a.m. PST

100yw English are a good mix and proffessional, Swiss armies in the period are fun. Spanish Reconquisda would also meet most of the criteria.

timurilank13 Mar 2014 3:36 a.m. PST

Medieval German list a wide variety of troop types if that is what you like. Depending on the period you can have some interesting allies; Communal Italian, Danes, Poles, and Swiss.


ancientsgamer13 Mar 2014 6:05 a.m. PST

Burgundian pretty much has everything in it including artillery and handguns if you want. Pikes, knights, longbow, crossbow, spears, etc.

Take a look at the Hungarian list. It's a good one. Polish would be interesting too. As Timur states, if you can't find what you like in Germany, you aren't looking very hard :-)

Spanish list would be colorful and you can have English Allies to get more variety.

Condotta probably works better in DBA than in most other rule systems. Can't imagine getting much more variety since you can have just about any kind of mercenaries you need.

Scots would be an interesting choice too.

Bigbru13 Mar 2014 6:41 a.m. PST

Thanks for all, the communal italians seems the most interesting for me.

Do you know some good figures range for this army ?

ashill213 Mar 2014 7:04 a.m. PST

In 15mm, I can think of: Essex (see their feudal and medieval ranges), Donnington (see their 'new era' range), Magister Militum (their YLT range),Old Glory, Legio Heroica and Mirliton (available in UK from Vexilia and they do a range specifically for Communal Italians). There are probably more.

Bigbru13 Mar 2014 7:20 a.m. PST

Oh yeah i forgot to tell, it would be in 25-28mm

Dervel Fezian13 Mar 2014 8:20 a.m. PST

You might take a look at Teutonic Knights….

Small army if you take the maximum number of superior knights. Lot's of punch. You can take some irregular knights to back them up and use them as fire and forget missiles :P

Oh, and they can have a couple nice pieces of Artillery too.

Yesthatphil13 Mar 2014 10:37 a.m. PST

Mirliton are the classic source of top notch figures for Italian medievals, 15 or 28, Bigbru …


Bigbru13 Mar 2014 11:30 a.m. PST

Thanks that's exactly what i was looking for.

Rudi the german13 Mar 2014 2:11 p.m. PST

Many years ago war er a larry leadhead cartoon were larry asked the same question as bigbru…. In the cartoon was the answer that youmhave to collect all 300 armies before youmare allowed to play DBA.

:))))) i love this one… And i am still collecting and not playing…

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