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De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA)

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Action Log

03 Jan 2017 12:59 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Crossposted to De Bellis Renationis board
  • Crossposted to Horse, Foot and Guns board
  • Crossposted to De Bellis Multitudinis board
  • Crossposted to De Bellis Magistrorum Militum board
  • Crossposted to De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) board

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18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One

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De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA)

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889 hits since 3 Jan 2017
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Thomas Thomas01 Apr 2014 1:13 p.m. PST

This is a list of special characters unique to the world of Ice and Fire for use in all DBX based games.

Warrior Generals – represent leaders who depend on personal fighting skill even to the determent of army command.
They have the following additional properties:
They Pursue like a Knight Element.
They get a +2 General Tactical Factor in Close Combat (rather than the normal +1).
If in front edge Close Combat contact, their army counts as having no General (so all PIP costs are +1).

Examples: Robert Baratheon (young) as Hero; Jamie Lannister (2 hands) as Hero; Prince Oberyn (Red Viper) as Hero; Ser Gregor Clegane (the Mountain) as Hero; Victarion Greyjoy as Blade(F);

Calculating Generals– meticulous planners if uninspiring field commanders.
They have the following additional properties:
They always receive a base of 4 PIPs, they still roll a PIP die at the start of the Bound but in their case a 1 = -1 PIP; a 6 = +1 PIP while 2-5 have no effect. (They can use "6" PIP rolls to bring back Heroes and Mages just as normal Generals.)
They do not grant a +1 Tactical Factor for being General.
They do not Pursue even if a troop type that normally does Pursue.

Examples: Stannis Baratheon as Knight; Tywin Lannister as Knight

Trickster Generals – masters of misdirection and clever ploys and quite willing to use base treachery.
They have the following proprieties:
They may force opponents to re-roll the PIP roll once per bound (they and their opponent's are stuck with the second result – sometimes they outsmart themselves).
They do not grant a +1 Tactical Factor for being General.

Examples: Tyrone Lannister as Knight(F) with Mountain Clansmen otherwise as Knight; Roose Bolton as Knight

Inspiring General – inspirational leaders whose armies will follow them into hell. Their loss though spells doom for their cause.
They have the following properties:
In Close Combat they give their +1 General Tactical Factor to adjacent elements in side edge and front corner to corner contact.
If lost their army is, at the end of that Bound, considered defeated.

Examples: Robb Stark as Hero; Daenerys Taragaryen as Aerial Hero if riding Dragon otherwise as Cav(F); Lady Stoneheart as Warband.

Other (non-General) Characters:

Bodyguards – may be added to any Element with a Character or General at a cost of 1 AP; they have the following properties:
They can convert any Destroyed result into a Recoil result (if the protected Element cannot Recoil it is still Destroyed). The Bodyguard is, however, expended in either case.

Examples: Any dire wolf, Bronn, most King's/Queen's Guard.

Master Diplomat – may be added to any Element except Hordes or placed in Camp or Stronghold at a cost of 1 AP; they have the following properties:
While they are on table any Allied contingent can make normal Group moves with the rest of the army.

Examples: Lady Catelyn Stark; representatives of the Iron Bank; some masters; the Lady Olenna (Queen of Thorns)

Other Characters that can use standard rules

Paladins: Brienne of Tarth; Jorah Mormont (when rejected by Daenerys); Ser Barriston Selmy (when rejected by Daenerys); Sandor Clegane (the Hound); Ser Loras (Knight of Flowers)

Heroes: Jon Snow; Jorah Mormont (if accepted by Daenerys); Ser Barriston Selmy (if accepted by Daenerys); Asha Greyjoy; Dagmer (Cleftjaw)

Cleric: Aeron (Damphair); Thorin (the Red Priest)

Mage: Melisandre, Euron (Crow's eye); Cold Hands

warhorse02 Apr 2014 4:55 p.m. PST

I've gotten tired of waiting for the books, I've forgotten what I even read in the first few, and I have a feeling the long wait simply isn't going to be worth it, kind of like "How I Met Your Mother"…

kabrank03 Apr 2014 7:18 a.m. PST


Just started looking at this as well with an aim of playing HOTT/DBA3 with these forces in 15mm [initially "converting" an existing Medieval army and adding character bases]

Like the above but not sure the "Hound" would classify as a Paladin

Thomas Thomas03 Apr 2014 11:34 a.m. PST

The Hound is really an Anti-Paladin (his brother and Anti-Hero).

The Hound fights for his vision of personal honor, will not command others and is not inclinded to retreat from a fight.

As a Hero he could command armies and be just like his brother. As the Hound hates "Sers", he makes a good Hero killer.

It all seemed to fit best as a Anti-Paladin.

But I'm open to suggestions.


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