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"Basing Question for DBx" Topic

De Bellis Magistrorum Militum

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02 Jan 2017 2:34 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Elohim20 Dec 2011 4:29 p.m. PST

When a unit is noted as Blade (3) or Aux (2) or whatever, does the number of models on the base affect the game in any way? I only play DBA and HoTT at the moment, and I can't see what it would change. I'm assuming there are extra rules for DBM or something that make it important?

IGWARG1 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian20 Dec 2011 4:37 p.m. PST

It doesn't affect the game, but it's important that troops types are recognised.

It's one thing to base hoplites with their large shields and long spears 3 to a base because 4 don't fit. It's another to base 3 peltasts with their smaller or differently shaped shields and javelins and call them spearmen. That can and will lead to confusion.

I guess I am trying to say that exercising common sense when basing troops is more important in DBx than number of figures on a base.

Elohim20 Dec 2011 4:49 p.m. PST

Okay, cool. I've only really played in micro-scales on 15mm bases before, but am about to start in 15mm, so I wanted to make sure I didn't do anything *too* wrong. If nothing else, I suppose I could give each element a unit tag with a fluffy name and its unit type.

Yesthatphil20 Dec 2011 4:50 p.m. PST

> I guess I am trying to say that exercising common sense when basing troops is more important in DBx than number of figures on a base.

Spot on, Igwarg1 …

With V3 just around the corner (as it has been for a year now, so take it all with a pinch of salt) it still isn't certain what will be in the new lists and what will be compulsory and what will be optional. So even more reason put common sense above nit picking


Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2011 5:42 p.m. PST

The different numbers of figures on a base relate to troop types in other DBx games. Phil wants DBA to be an introduction to DBM, now DBMM and he wants DBA to be a "a tonic for the jaded" who want to play a simpler game. In those complex games, there are Regulars and Irregulars, as well and Superior, Fast, Irregular, exceptional, and ordinary. Elements in those games are differentiated by various numbers of figures on a base. So 3 Blades on a 20mm deep base represents "Fast" Blades. On DBM, 4 Wb on a 15mm deep base were Ordinary/Superior. Three Ax were Irregular; 4 Ax were Regular.

None of these categories apply to DBA so base with what ever number you want but make the Troop Type clear to opponent.

For DBR, Phil allowed one fewer 25/28mm figure on a base compared to what was needed for 15mm. As I was not playing tournaments, just giant scenaro games, I did the same for 15mm figs. So 25mm required just one Skirmisher to a base, so instead of 2, for 15mm I used just one. Got lots more elements for the number of figures I had.

For my 6mm DBA armies, on 15mm size bases, I put as many figures as will fit for the Heavy Infantry (18-20), and fewer for Wb or Ax or Bw (about 16) and maybe just 12 for Ps.

elsyrsyn21 Dec 2011 6:27 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, though, the base depths (which correlate to the number of figures on the base) DO matter, in that they determine some outcome moves.

Personally, I'd stick with the microscale anyway. Especially for a game with only 12 stands per side, 6mm (on 15mm, or even better 25mm scale stands) looks enormously better.


Mechanical21 Dec 2011 7:53 a.m. PST

I have just finished a DBAs worth of 6mm Marian Romans on 25mm bases – really impressive looking.

To the question at hand – outside of competitive play, all is good in terms of figure counts as long as your opponent knows what is what.

However you want to avoid sending mixed messages like calling 2 skirmish figures on a base knights. I would prefer a blank base with the troop type pencilled on.

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2011 9:55 a.m. PST

Doug, I do now know what you mean with this
"Unfortunately, though, the base depths (which correlate to the number of figures on the base) DO matter, in that they determine some outcome moves."

The troop type determines the outcome, and the base depth has impact on outcome not the number of figures but I may be missing something, can you cite an example. THanks

elsyrsyn21 Dec 2011 10:31 a.m. PST

Bob – it's pretty plain, I thought.

The troop type dictates the number of figures (in 15 or 25mm) on the base, and also dictates the depth of the base they are on. Therefore, the two things (number of figures and base depth) are correlated. Simple, yes?

Mixing the number of figures and the base depth up (e.g. putting 4Wb on a 20mm deep base) would not be just an aesthetic decision, it will affect the way they perform in the game.


Yesthatphil21 Dec 2011 9:03 p.m. PST

Well, we have to wait for a definitive version of V3.

Hopefully all that nonsense will disappear (or at least, not be compulsory). Warband should be Warband, Blade should be Blade.


Elohim22 Dec 2011 12:31 p.m. PST

Well that's my follow-up about depth answered – I just mounted all my foot on 20mm deep bases when I was doing vanity projects, now that I'm moving into public play I better get with the program! =p

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2011 6:50 p.m. PST

Doug, not plain at all. I and others I know have played DBA with elements that were card with the name of the element type written on it, to try out new armies or learn the game. No figures used. The rules and the army lists determine the depths, not the number of figures. The figures are just an artifact to separate miniatures gaming from board gaming.

A 20mm deep base with 'warband" written on it plays out the same as if there were 1 25mm, or 4/3 15mm or 16 6 mm figures on it.

UnfortunateWound27 Dec 2011 9:53 a.m. PST

Yes, but what about a 20mm one with "pike" on it? =p I assume you could recoil all infantry by one "Barker" and all cavalry by 30mm?

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2011 12:10 p.m. PST

Why put "pike" on a 20mm deep base? The rules call for pike to be on a 15mm deep base. I would recoil all infantry and cavalry by whatever the set of rules being used said to do.

Elohim27 Dec 2011 3:35 p.m. PST

It looks a little better (to my eyes), and makes them more stable on slopes.

Does the extra 5mm affect the game greatly?

Personal logo Bobgnar Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2011 1:16 p.m. PST

I use very thin terraced hills, or low slopes to allow elements to climb them.

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