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"Where to buy HOTT rules ?" Topic

Hordes of the Things

3 Posts

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Jetengine29 Dec 2015 3:10 a.m. PST

I'm interested in obtaining the HOTT rules for some 15mm fantasy gaming. I can't seem to find it however, the amazon page reads it as out of stock or for ludicrous prices (£200 !) does anyone know where I can get them ?

williamb29 Dec 2015 4:56 a.m. PST

caliver books has one
use their search for hordes of the things

Thomas Thomas29 Dec 2015 10:25 a.m. PST

Or you can just get a copy of DBA 3.0 and email me for the HOTT expansion to DBA 3.0. You can use 25mm or 15mm figures.

Having a copy of HOTT can still be useful for troop descriptions, army lists etc.


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