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"getting a dbm rulebook in the us for a fair price" Topic

De Bellis Multitudinis

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aapch4510 Apr 2013 12:59 p.m. PST

Where could I pick up a dbm book without breaking the bank?
Anything under $30 USD?
I spend too much on rules as is…

Would I be better off playing big battle dba?

Yesthatphil10 Apr 2013 1:49 p.m. PST

There are many editions of DBM – I'm not sure if the final one (3.1) actually was a complete item as opposed to 3.0 + a lot of extensive rewrites …

It was extensively reworked by the author into DBMM which is now in a 2nd version.

Would I be better off playing big battle dba?

Quite likely – given you have asked. Again there is a proliferation of versions … 2.2 is current, 2.2+ is an upgrade not supported by the author (but created by a dedicated band of US tournament organisers and followers) … 3.0 is an as yet unpublished new version which the author believes to be the new gold standard (but which is viewed as a wrong direction by the aforementioned group) ..

I mention that not to take sides or warn you off – just it is a slapstick plank you might walk into if you go through a door marked DBA. For the record, I like 3 but don't want to start a fight about it.

If you are coming at this from your 'rules sampling and testing' perspective you could do worse than go for version 1 as a 'classic' DBA and pick up the threads from there. At one stage you could download it for free, and it is included in John Curry's compilation of DBA material in his DBA history of wargaming booklet*

*OK … it has a picture of my DBA Spanish on the cover so maybe I am biased grin

aapch4510 Apr 2013 2:02 p.m. PST

I already play 1.0 off and on with borrowed armies. I have my own now, and would like the lists for 1.0 so the $18 USD listing on amazon is a must have.
dbm would be a game that I would play with my brother. I would not tournament with it. Too many "adjustments" which often equate to bastardizations of the rules. That's why I don't play wh40k any more.
So I'll probably buy the dba 1.0 and just campaign it out with my brother and some friends

Dale Hurtt10 Apr 2013 4:59 p.m. PST

Which version? Phil Barker has DBM 3.2 to download for free on his web site. DBM 3.0 is also there.


elsyrsyn10 Apr 2013 5:16 p.m. PST

Would I be better off playing big battle dba?

Of the two, I would say yes to BBDA over DBM (or DBMM for that matter).


peru52200010 Apr 2013 5:37 p.m. PST

I play DBM 3.2 using the free download. I have also played big battle DBA. I like both games, just depends on your preference I guess. The major difference is that big battle DBA has you and your opponent having the same number of elements where as DBM you are creating your army based on points. I prefer the points as it differentiates the quality of the troops involved.

aapch4510 Apr 2013 6:42 p.m. PST

All of these are things to consider.

I have downloaded dbm 3.2 on my kindle. Pretty handy.

The barkerese is a tad thick.

Dba is cheap enough, I might be able to swing Phys copies of both books on this months hobby funds alone!

I have seen points variants for bbdba on fanaticus. They seem pretty alright.

Oh Bugger11 Apr 2013 3:36 a.m. PST

Have you got all the books you wanted yet? If not put up an email and I'll see what I can do.

elsyrsyn11 Apr 2013 4:35 a.m. PST

I have seen points variants for bbdba on fanaticus.

There's also the option of using HotT (which is also available as a download, and which has the advantage of NOT currently being in the middle of a revision process), either with or without the missing element types from DBA added in (at mostly 2AP each). That gets you a points system and arguably a better set of rules.


Tarantella12 Apr 2013 4:14 a.m. PST

Would I be better off playing big battle dba?

With the spiraling price of figures limiting armies to 36 elements is a prudent move for the budding collector.

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