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"Blade and Bow Supporting Each other in DBM" Topic

De Bellis Multitudinis

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maverick290923 Nov 2016 8:08 a.m. PST

Would like to get everyone's feedback on possibly making a 3.3 official rules set and the inclusion of a rule that would allow bow O or S to support blade O or S and vice versa. There are two routs I could see it going:

1: it simply adds a +1 to the close combat outcome.
2: it prevents the front unit from being quick killed by mounted troops.

I prefer the second option as it more accurately reflects the historical accounts of the reasoning for intermixing dismounted knights and bowmen. It would also be the easiest way to change the rules as there is already a precedent for doubling up blades to not be quick killed. What do you all think?

Thomas Thomas23 Nov 2016 10:00 a.m. PST

Strongly suggest you use the "side-support" rule from DBA 3.0.

Bow in side contact with Blade get +1 v. Foot in Close Combat.

Best idea yet for simulating English system of intermixing bodies of archers in the battle line with Men at Arms.


maverick290923 Nov 2016 10:27 a.m. PST

Oh not a bad idea Tom T. I'll add it to my list of considerations. I think I might try playing a few games witch each different idea to see if they break the game or come out balanced.

Anthropicus23 Nov 2016 11:56 a.m. PST

I agree, the side-support rule from DBA 3.0 is really effective.

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