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"Commander/General Base size for Sword and Spear?" Topic

Sword & Spear

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FatherLucant28 Jul 2014 8:00 p.m. PST

Just picked up these rules, really excited about em, but I've got one quick question.

I'm using 15mm old dba stuff, and while I get normal troopers and how to base them, I'm just a bit stuck on how big a base the general should be on. Just a cav 30mm? 40? Also, can he be mounted on something like an elepant or is he always on foot/mounted?


advocate29 Jul 2014 12:55 a.m. PST

I don't think it matters – they aren't a unit as such. The only issue about putting one on a chariot or on an elephant will be the space they take up.

Caliban29 Jul 2014 12:59 a.m. PST

This question comes up with other rules too. My command figs are very haphazardly based, so our house rule is – base them any way you like. However, measure command radius from the great leader's head, that means they are all the same for both sides. It also means that we don't see any of that 'base creep' sneakiness and nonsense…

Marshal Mark29 Jul 2014 1:34 a.m. PST

You can base them however you like. We play in 15mm with 80mm frontage units and have commanders on 40mm square bases. When we have played in 28mm we have used individually based commanders. When a commander is with a unit, command range is measured from the unit, so most of the time no advantage would be gained by having the commander on a larger base.

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