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Sword & Spear

9 Posts

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Marshal Mark18 Jun 2015 10:31 a.m. PST

I'll be at Phalanx this Saturday putting on a Sword & Spear game. The game I'm putting on is the Battle of Five Armies (from the Hobbit), using the draft Sword & Spear fantasy rules. You can follow my preparation for the game on this thread:

If you are attending you are welcome to come and join in the game for a turn or few.

cloudcaptain19 Jun 2015 4:29 a.m. PST

Excellent! I'll be buying the fantasy PDF the moment it is up for purchase.

Frostie20 Jun 2015 3:55 a.m. PST

The fantasy version of Sword and Spear it on my 'to buy' list as I really enjoy the historical version and have a ton of 15mm fantasy to get on the table!

mashrewba20 Jun 2015 4:47 a.m. PST

This terrain is excellent -I'm inspired to give this a go.
I will also be getting the fantasy addition as soon as.

Who asked this joker20 Jun 2015 7:16 a.m. PST

Nice looking game board models and all!

normsmith20 Jun 2015 2:39 p.m. PST

Attended Phalanx and thought your game looked superb.

clifblkskull20 Jun 2015 8:59 p.m. PST


Marshal Mark21 Jun 2015 11:23 a.m. PST

Thanks for the compliments. I put a lot of effort into the terrain but it was worth it, as I'm very pleased with how it came out. I'll use it for other games as well, in 28mm as well as 15mm – probably more for 28mm skirmish games in fact.

Marshal Mark21 Jun 2015 11:27 a.m. PST

We played the battle twice yesterday at Phalanx. Victories for the good side both times. The second game was quite close, and the orcs were winning until the eagles and Beorn turned up to attack them from the rear. Thorins entrance into the game then boosted the morale of the dwarfs, enabling them to defeat the orcs they were fighting and win the battle.

A few photos of the opening positions. You can see the effect of the dodgy lighting in the colouring of the photos.

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