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GameCon '98

The Editor tries out this first-year gaming convention in the San Francisco Bay Area (California).

1,120 hits since 2 Jan 2017
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Nick B15 Jan 2016 3:23 a.m. PST

We played or first game last night and very much enjoyed it but have a couple of questions:

1. If a unit is allocated an activation die and completes its action so it is turned to a "1" does it continue to have impetus if it is subsequently attacked?

2. If a non-activated unit is attacked and survives combat can it subsequently be activated if "locked in combat". Does the enemy unit still get impetus?

3. If an non-activated unit is attacked, wins and pursues – can it be activated subsequently?

4. Do you have to check the number of dice in the bag before declaring a Group move – what happens if there aren't enough dice in the bag for the two units adjoining the commander?

Many thanks for any help.

(I appreciate the S&S forum is the best place to post these but I can't get on at the moment for some reason)



martinwilliams15 Jan 2016 3:42 a.m. PST

1)It depends. You may have impetus until the end of the "phase" but not for the rest of the turn after the phase ends. It also depends on what you did on your activation. If you, for instance, performed a manouver or shot with missile weapons you cant have impetus

2) and 3) When a unit fights in melee, whether it initiates it or not, it has been activated and cannot activate again. If it fights as a result of an opposing activation a dice is taken from the bag and placed next to it showing a 1.

4) Yes. Not enough dice no group move.

At least that is how we have been playing it and we have played a fair bit.

Hope that helps


advocate15 Jan 2016 6:42 a.m. PST

Agreed with Martin on 2-4

Regarding 1, in almost all cases a unit which has carried out its activation will NOT get impetus later in the phase. However, a unit which carries out an Advance may have impetus if attacked later in the phase (obviously for the first attack only, and only if no other exclusions apply).

steamingdave4715 Jan 2016 10:00 a.m. PST

@Nick B- forum seems to be up and running:


Nick B15 Jan 2016 10:25 a.m. PST

Thanks for your help chaps.

@steamingdave – oh, there's no problem with the forum – it has to do with my inability to remember my password! :0)

Todd63615 Jan 2016 11:03 a.m. PST

Played my first game as well last night. Not ripping on the rules at all, but flank charges seem awful weak. Fresh cavalry unit charges a non-fresh infinity in the flank and I took 2 hits to his 0. Granted they were bad rolls, but 1 extra dice for flank really doesn't seem to be that much of a reward.

Marshal Mark15 Jan 2016 1:08 p.m. PST

Flank charges are most effective when the unit you are charging is already fighting to its front. If it isn't already engaged frontally, then it would be aware of the flank threat and be able to turn the men on that flank to face the charge.

Stew art Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2016 2:20 p.m. PST

and don't worry about having questions about impetus, it's the hardest concept in the game to master. soemtimes it seems so simple and others are head scratchers.

: )

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