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quidveritas | 29 Apr 2010 2:20 p.m. PST |
I have committed to play an Armati game at Enfilade this year. My mighty Gauls will be tasked with overrunning Greece (defended by toothpick wielding midgets) -- no stopping because of thunder and lightning this time around we ain't stopping till we plunder the Oracle at Delphi. I've got hoards of Gauls (no slingers) so I can assemble lots of units (my stuff is based individually with magnets on the bottom that allows me to attach them to appropriate sized galvanized steel bases). Army size: Double base units and 152 bonus points. How should I organize my army? Anything I should look out for? mjc |
quidveritas | 29 Apr 2010 8:55 p.m. PST |
Things are that bad huh??? mjc |
Keraunos | 29 Apr 2010 10:51 p.m. PST |
which scale figures? warbands have two basic basing options. 3 figures or 4 figures per base – either is acceptable, makes no difference, a legacy of older basing systems. units are oragnised into elements, sections and units. each element is frontage 60mm (25mm scale) or 40mm (15mm scale)- basic DBA basing, in other words. your warbands will be 4 elements - which is two sections, each section of one element behind the other and will deploy 2 sections side by side to make one unit i.e. 120 or 80 mm frontage and a depth of either 60 or 40 mm with two rows of figures, or of 40 or 30 mm depth with two rows of figures – the latter being more common, but either acceptable due to 'other rules basing' legacys. cavalry will deploy on exactly the same unit size footprint as infantry, but only have one row of figures- i.e. 6 figures. for movement conveniance, it is usualy to base by section – i.e. split each unit in half by frontage, but it makes no difference, and is quicker to move if they are not. skirmishers – you will need as many as you can buy to cover you from shooting – only one section makes a unit, or two elements. 60 or 40mm frontage and a depth of 60 or 40 mm – i.e. a square – with two rows of figures again (but only 4 figures in total, 2 x 2). Light Cavalry – two sections of cavalry basies – 60/40 by 40/30, but only two figures per base, and where the cavalry must deploy both sections wide – to make the same footprint as your warband, light cavaalry may deploy one section behind the otehr – allowing greater wheeling. armati 2 allows your core warband to deploy in the wings – make use of this, don't fight along the whole table – try to refuse a wing if you can with terrain and whatt not. expect your first wave of warbands to die – and factor your break points accordingly. You infantry hold and pin, and your better heavy cavalry should then break his cavalry and then roll up the flanks. or you could roll a lot of good melee dice, and run him over – but that is doubtful, as if he is stationary the turn your infantry hit him, being phalanx, he will not be susceptable to your impetus. and be careful about your compulsary warband charges at 9" range – they will sweep over your own skirmishers, and also pull you out of position if you are not careful. win on the wings. |
Who asked this joker | 30 Apr 2010 8:10 a.m. PST |
or you could roll a lot of good melee dice, and run him over – but that is doubtful, as if he is stationary the turn your infantry hit him, being phalanx, he will not be susceptable to your impetus. I believe that is mostly correct. If he is stationary, he counts as deployed in depth. In that case, should you win the melee on the charge, he takes 3 hits instead of the 4 required for a kill. Of course, his Phalanx will probably be 7 combat vs your 4 combat (I think). On a D6, that is not too easy to overcome. I think Keraunos has some good advice. If you can strike any unit in the flank, he uses the flank combat value (usually 0, 1 or 2) vs your regular combat value. If you win on a charge, his unit is off to the races (broken). Your warbands will stick around for 3 or 4 turns while the cavalry battle is decided. |
Keraunos | 30 Apr 2010 11:42 a.m. PST |
actually, you are assuming the hoplites are formed deep. this is probable, but irrelevant. my reference is to the phalanx rule. if the phalanx was stationary the movement phase before impact, then it negates impetus – so only 1 hit if it loses. a clever greek player will stop moving as soon as your warbands are within 18 inches – least you move to 9 this move and win initiative to move immedaetly and hit him while he still counts as in motion. to your advantage, you can use this to pin his phalanx – his main weapon – while you then beat up his wing, and come in on his phalanx on the flank. if the phalanx moves, you can jump it and trust to luck, or not. if I were the greek, I would charge the warband anyway – its the best way they can win. so if you can create two separate lines of warbands, one 4 inches behind the other (to prevent rout through checks) and in command, you can send the first wave to die (maybe they get lucky) and then follow up with the second wave – when he should be weakened and maybe exhausted. but thats the fun way. the sucessful way is to refuse the centre, and beat up his wings. |
wrgmr1 | 30 Apr 2010 9:14 p.m. PST |
Hi Mike, Get as much cavalry as you can buy, the Greeks don't have much. Stationary Phalanx refuse impetus, also if they are in depth. Try to swing around my flanks with as much as you can that's how the Gauls beat the Romans. Greek Phalanx are really not that much different. Cheers! |
quidveritas | 01 May 2010 1:08 a.m. PST |
Ha! Greeks didn't even write much about how the Gauls rampaged through Greece -- and the Gauls never write much about anything -- not that has survived anyway. The Cavalry thing was something I was looking at. The double warband line was another option I was considering but didn't know if it would work. Apparently it might. Rules say Warbands are generally 3 strength points but some are 4? Which warbands are 4, the single special units? mjc |
balticbattles | 01 May 2010 2:02 a.m. PST |
I haven't played Armati for a while, but the problem that I used to have with things in multiple lines is that by the time the second line gets in you've usually lost so many troops you've lost the battle. |
wrgmr1 | 01 May 2010 7:06 a.m. PST |
Hi Mike, If I remember correctly yes, special units are 4's. My rules are all packed away, as I am moving this weekend. Greek Phalanx are normally 7 but have a few 8's. Cheers, tjm |
Keraunos | 01 May 2010 10:13 a.m. PST |
'german' warband are BP4 and move 6 inches gallic warbband are BP3 and move 9 inches. the core german warband may form deep the core gallic may deploy in the flank sectors. because of the size of game you are playing – effectively two armies per side – you might have enough warband for the second line to get in. its the fun way to play, but you probably will not win trying it |
quidveritas | 02 May 2010 2:05 a.m. PST |
Well if the Greeks deploy 'deep' it seems likely the Gauls will probably be looking at double the frontage in the main arena -- so the double line may be inevitable anyway. Deploying the core in the flank areas may be more than just an option. Thanks for the heads up Keanunos! mjc |
Keraunos | 02 May 2010 7:56 a.m. PST |
np. just hope your opponent doesn't read this as well
for double core + 150, i'd love to see a couple of pics – that many warbands always look good. (BTW, you may want to consider the Galatian list for the rematch – they did overrun ancient Greece. (they are the BP 4 variety) Killed my namesake too – the silly *&%%er) |