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"Ancient Warfare army lists (Terry Gore)" Topic

Ancient Warfare

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Shootmenow29 Nov 2008 3:57 p.m. PST

I don't know if anyone is able to help me out but I need basic Roman and Gallic/British/German tribes army lists for Terry Gore's Ancient Warfare rules.

I have several youngsters keenly collecting the Warlord Romans and Celts and have downloaded Terry's Fastplay version of his Ancient Rules but haven't any army lists to go with them. Whilst I regularly play his Medieval rules I don't want to spend out on ancient army lists until I'm sure the guys are going to be happy with the rules. Does anyone know where I can obtain two basic army lists – 1 Roman and 1 'Barbarian' for the rules please.

Thanks in hope!

Historicalgamer29 Nov 2008 4:56 p.m. PST

Try posting on the SAGA yahoo group and see if anyone will email them to you.

AAthebarbarian29 Nov 2008 5:54 p.m. PST

I second that motion. They're a great bunch of guys, sure to help out.

JonFreitag29 Nov 2008 6:29 p.m. PST

The Lone Star Historical Miniatures group has a playtest version of Gore's ANCIENT WARFARE including army lists at the link below:

These lists should provide basic army lists.

Shootmenow30 Nov 2008 4:04 a.m. PST

Thanks guys, I will certainly get in touch with the Saga Yahoo group.

Massive thank you to JonFreitag…I've just checked out the link and it was far, far more than I ever hoped for! I think I may have to change my posting name to 'Happy Bunny' now!

Really appreciate the help guys.

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