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"How Many Trees?" Topic

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141 hits since 26 Nov 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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The Last Conformist26 Nov 2024 1:56 a.m. PST

I guesstimate about eighty. It's never occured to me to count them.

It's enough in the sense that I don't recall not having enough trees to do something I wanted to do since the most recent purchase (about ten years ago?).

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 3:22 a.m. PST

I ranted about this in the "pre-poll discussion." Every time we get into something about how many X we have or need, it's based on someone thinking that how he and his buddies play is the One True Way. If you talked about how many trees for use in a given scale on a table area within a certain range you'd maybe get an interesting range and a useful answer.

FusilierDan Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 5:54 a.m. PST

I guessed at 100. This includes palm trees, banana trees, fir trees and deciduous trees. They are for 15-28mm scales. While writing this I remembered a bag of maybe 25 10mm trees, a box of pine trees and some winter trees. I'm not changing my vote.

Of the 30-50 palm trees I've only used about 10 in a game.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

Around 15 years ago, I found cake decorator plastic trees. Problem was, I had to order a minimum of $70 USD to get them. They were too expensive at local shops, as I wanted around 40-50 for myself, at that time.

I asked my gaming buddies, and around five of them said they would go in on it with me, so I ordered around $100 USD worth of diverse trees. LOL! They were all like vultures when they showed up to get their share.

I found other suppliers with far lower minimum order requirements, so I supplemented my meager tree supply later on, as I subsequently realized that I wanted/needed more than what I got. I found less expensive options from Chinese sellers like Wish, and I actually received what I ordered from them, without hassle! This was several years ago, however.

I have never counted them up, but I guesstimated 100 (likely closer to 250)… I changed my vote to 200. Maybe I should count them? Yeah, sure. Some day I will. LOL! Cheers!

Micman Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 8:45 a.m. PST

I game in 3 main scales 6mm, 15mm, 28mm. While some trees will work in 2 scales most do not. So I have trees for all 3. Just this summer I 3d printed a bunch for 6 and 15mm maybe 60.

Never enough trees. I voted 300+

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 9:21 a.m. PST

I've never counted them. I think 100 is a safe guess.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 9:26 a.m. PST

I love how 20 is he LOWEST cutoff😂

We do like our trees!

Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 12:51 p.m. PST

There's two in the back yard and one in front (two, if you count oleander as a tree). Up on the property, if you assume 10 trees to an acre as a reasonable average, then 250.

So estimated at 253 or 254, plus some little toy ones.

And two chain saws.

jefritrout26 Nov 2024 3:22 p.m. PST

As the father of TreeGirl I chose the highest number and might be somewhat north of 3x that number. There are at least another 100 that are still in production.

Perris0707 Supporting Member of TMP26 Nov 2024 8:26 p.m. PST

I have no idea, but not enough.

Dagwood27 Nov 2024 1:17 p.m. PST

Dal, yeah, I forgot the one in my back yard. Should I change my vote to 41 ?

Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP28 Nov 2024 3:10 a.m. PST

Dal, yeah, I forgot the one in my back yard. Should I change my vote to 41 ?

Not sure, mate. I would. evil grin

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP28 Nov 2024 8:39 a.m. PST

Probably more than 80 BUT many are 6 mm – in larger scales about 40

And you can never have enough trees!

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP28 Nov 2024 10:24 a.m. PST

Blimey – not sure, 80 odd in all scales. Perhaps.

BTCTerrainman Supporting Member of TMP30 Nov 2024 5:09 p.m. PST

Should be an option for 1,000+

jefritrout01 Dec 2024 8:06 p.m. PST

I'm guessing that I have over 1000 as well.

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