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"Totality in Kingston" Topic

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186 hits since 8 Apr 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Apr 2024 3:41 p.m. PST

Went to Kingston, Ontario to see the total eclipse. We stayed with friends so it didn't cost more than gas and food on the way.

Incredibly awesome! Everyone has seen pictures but they cannot compare with actually seeing it yourself. The sun being increasingly obscured, a dark shadow sweeping toward us across the lake and then totality and the corona. Staggeringly beautiful.

If you ever get the chance to see this, don't miss it! So glad we went.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP09 Apr 2024 4:52 p.m. PST

Saw it in Temple, Texas and it was more impressive than I thought it would be. Animals in the neighborhood barked and howled, people gasped and cheered when it began to end.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian10 Apr 2024 2:55 a.m. PST

Enjoyed the experience. Alas, clouds swept in five minutes before totality.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Apr 2024 5:37 a.m. PST

I was indoors at work in an area that got a partial, but close to a total.

I've seen like, 6 of them, maybe. But, I'm over 50. Still, there's one about every 18 months. Even with a little over 75% of the Earth's surface being ocean or Antarctica, that's still a lot of opportunity.


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