"Primorskaya solyanka: Seafood hodgepodge ..." Topic
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Tango01 | 08 Dec 2023 9:38 p.m. PST |
…from Russia's Far East "Russians first reached the shores of the Pacific in the mid 17th century, and since then their local dishes have evolved based on the ocean's bountiful harvest. Enjoy this delicious and easy-to-cook seafood solyanka from Russia's Pacific region that's bursting with nutrients.
One of the most popular dishes in Russian cuisine is a hearty mixed hodgepodge called ‘solyanka'. This national dish, however, can vary from region to region. For example, in Russia's central regions solyanka consists of several types of meat items, potato, cabbage, carrot and some other vegetables that are all cooked in a big saucepan with a meat broth, as well as a mix of olive and sunflower oils and butter…" Main page link