"Climatologist Admits Dangers Exaggerated for Publication" Topic
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Parzival | 05 Sep 2023 7:28 p.m. PST |
link In this article, a climate scientists exposes that he and his fellows routinely exaggerate the hazardous effects of climate change in order to comply with the political expectations of both Science and Nature in order to assure publication, notice, and funding. The author believes that climate change is happening, and he believes that emissions are a factor. But he argues that the supposed dangers are overhyped and that analysis is widely and deliberately structured in order to make things seem worse than they are, to back the emission reduction policy stance rather than allow for other technological, government, and societal solutions to be considered. This is a very sober-minded article by a sober-minded individual with no political axe to grind or agenda to pursue— just a scientist wanting his work to be real science, not propaganda. Worth the read, no matter where you come down on the politics. |
Shagnasty | 06 Sep 2023 11:01 a.m. PST |
Andrew Walters | 07 Sep 2023 7:38 a.m. PST |
Everything is exaggerated for publication. I hope this gets lots of eyeballs, but at the end of the day there are people for whom the climate crisis is an opportunity. They are going to keep pushing it. Same with homelessness in California. Hard to make something go away when some people are benefiting from it. |