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"Mathematicians Find an Infinity of Possible Black Hole" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2023 8:28 p.m. PST


"THE COSMOS SEEMS to have a preference for things that are round. Planets and stars tend to be spheres because gravity pulls clouds of gas and dust toward the center of mass. The same holds for black holes—or, to be more precise, the event horizons of black holes—which must, according to theory, be spherically shaped in a universe with three dimensions of space and one of time.

But do the same restrictions apply if our universe has higher dimensions, as is sometimes postulated—dimensions we cannot see but whose effects are still palpable? In those settings, are other black hole shapes possible?…"

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Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP15 Aug 2023 1:13 p.m. PST

Polyhedral black holes!
God doesn't play dice with the Universe— he plays D&D!

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP25 Aug 2023 8:48 p.m. PST



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