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"The Remains of Dead US Presidents Will Be Sent" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP27 May 2023 9:23 p.m. PST

…Into Space

"Four former US presidents' DNA will be blasted into deep space as part of a symbolic space burial journey alongside a number other high-flying figures, who will all have a portion of their remains deposited in special capsules and transported into solar orbit aboard a United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket.

Celestis, a cemetery firm that specialises in transferring DNA into deep space to join a future human colony, will carry out the gesture as part of a DNA migration strategy similar to how animals originally migrated throughout the world…."

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Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP02 Jul 2023 8:10 p.m. PST

EEyeww. Of all the DNA to be sent into space, this is the best humanity can come up with??

GHECKO2206 Jul 2023 3:51 p.m. PST

I agree with piper909 – is that the best that they can come up with…?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jul 2023 3:27 p.m. PST



Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2023 4:34 a.m. PST



Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP27 Jul 2023 5:15 p.m. PST

Maybe they could send a few of the live Presidents on the space trip.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2023 9:04 p.m. PST



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