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Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2022 12:32 a.m. PST

As some of you are aware I am a police officer with almost 20 years under my belt. During that time I've been spit on, assaulted, had guns and knives pulled on me, wrestled with people, fought subjects under the influence of mind altering drugs, and been involved in near riots. I once had to escort, and provide protection for, a group of BLM protesters chanting "What do we want? Dead cops."

I've been knocked unconscious during a car crash, probably had a couple of concussions, had Covid twice, lost a month of work due to a training injury, (I'd like it to sound heroic, but I tore a calf muscle), I've had to use pliers to pull Taser darts out of my hand because they buried themselves too deep to be removed by hand, and I can't tell you how many bloody noses and black eyes I've had over the years.

To be honest, none of that really bothers me all that much. Most of my stress comes from my own administration.

What does bother me, indeed most of us, is the psychological damage we've endured. I'm a hostage negotiator and a good negotiator will come to identify with the person they're talking to, (I consider it a form of Stockholm Syndrome). There's only so many times you can negotiate with an armed suicidal person, or a hostage taker before you start to lose it.

There's only so many times you can go to a murder scene, a fatal car crash, or a suicide. I actually went to a couple of suicides where the sick bastard was going through a divorce and hung himself in the garage. Only the sorry SOB did it in his wife's carport so the first thing she would see as the door rolled up was her husband. Eleven years ago I performed CPR for almost 10 minutes on a 7 year old boy who died while I was working on him. My oldest son was 6 at the time.

Twenty-two hours ago I responded to a cardiac arrest of a one-month-old. One month. His mother fell asleep with him on her chest. We believe she rolled over in her sleep and he lay face down on the bed, too young to lift his head up and keep himself from suffocating. I did CPR and rescue breathing on him for less than five minutes before medics got there and took over. He was warm to the touch when I started, but he was already dead. He only weighed 8 pounds.

When we cleared the fire and medics when to their station and talked. The police got in their cars and went to their next call. The medics sent two people home. I had extra duty. I was lucky. A friend recognized that I was having trouble and refused to let me work. He took my slot and I went home. I held it together until my wife left the house and took my boys shopping. Then I laid down and cried myself to sleep.

So, why am I dumping this on you guys? A couple of reasons.

1) It's a way to get the events of last night off my chest. A form of therapy.

2) I know some people on this site don't like police officers and make no secret of it. Let's face it, we're human and we make mistakes, I get it. Sometimes a person who shouldn't be an officer gets past all our safeguards and gets hired anyway. we try hard to weed them out, (I'm responsa bile for four such people not being officers any longer myself), but they still get through.

What I am asking is the next time you come across a cop who snaps for no reason, yells when you don't deserve it, or is being what you consider 'unprofessional', take a second and realize that you don't know what he/she is going through. His last call might have seen him facing an armed subject, been a revenge suicide, or attempting, and failing, to save the life of a child.

3) Finally, I ask that you take a moment and pray for the soul of R.O. (I can't release his name). Today he would be his one month old. He never had a chance.

Again, I'm sorry for dropping this on you guys so close to Christmas. I just need to release the pain.

ZULUPAUL Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2022 3:25 a.m. PST

I understand how you feel in some ways. I worked in an ICU for 27 years as a RN. Remember doing CPR on a patient on Christmas Eve night. Saw things that made me cry also. I had weeks where I had 2-3 patients cardiac arrest on me and die. Remember helping in the ER with a GSW case that turned out to be a friend of mine from HS. He died while I was there squeezing a bag of blood trying to save him with the other Docs & Nurses. Never forget that there are people who pray for cops every day (myself included). I'll pray for R.O. too,

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian19 Dec 2022 6:14 a.m. PST

I'm sorry for what happened to you, and I hope that sharing here has brought you some degree of relief.

At least you tried. Life sucks sometimes. And if you need further assistance, please reach out to those who are trained to help.

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2022 7:20 a.m. PST

Saying sorry just does not seem enough. Our protector go thru so much more the we can't ever know.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP19 Dec 2022 1:29 p.m. PST

A recent visit to our ER reminded me of how much pain and suffering is out there and how the police and medical folks see so much of it. Bless you all for what you do for us.

bandit8619 Dec 2022 9:39 p.m. PST

I have been in Law enforcement for 40 year but not to your extent, but I feel and understand you sir. God bless you and keep you safe.

Ed Mohrmann20 Dec 2022 10:56 a.m. PST

DnJ sorry for your pain but you tried. Our family is
rooted in NY-NJ-Pa and being German-Irish, have a lot
of LEO's among us. Some we've lost, some have had
experiences similar to those you've recounted.

We pray for each of our LEO family members, for their
safety and their health, physical and mental.

God bless you.

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2022 3:30 a.m. PST

Hello mate,

Like you I'm a long time in, nearly 36 years in two (Australian) police forces and I've got a load of stuff sitting in my memory bank that people shouldn't see. Like you, I joined when police were supposed to ‘deal with it', you sucked it up and didn't want to look weaker than your mates. I read your CV and go ‘snap'.

3 years ago, I started to drink to forget rather than accept the help for the diagnosis of PTSD I was given. In September this year the drink ceased to work. I've sought the help I needed and although it's hard, I suddenly realised that people do understand and don't judge us for crying in front of them.

I don't pray but I will send a thought the way of RO, and I'll also send one to you.

I'll also add if you want to, PM me anytime.


Andrew Walters21 Dec 2022 12:05 p.m. PST

I like police officers.

I'll set aside my thoughts on those who don't for the moment.

You took the suffering and danger that belongs to others onto yourself. You tried to fix the unfixable. We have a wonderful, free, safe, prosperous life in this country and when and where it started to crack and fall apart you held it together. You're epic.

You reap what you sow, there is a reward for your self sacrifice. The rest of us won't even understand that reward, but you have it.

You deserve a great Christmas, I hope it's awesome!

Doug MSC Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2022 9:39 a.m. PST

As a minister, I have seen a lot and stepped into situations that I felt helpless to do anything to help except pray. I also have a number of police officers who are my friends and also game with us. I have heard their painful stories also. Sometimes it's not fun trying to help others and sometimes it hurts. I thank God for people like you who,inspite of what they go thru, still reach out to those suffering in various ways to try to bring some relief. The world would be a much darker place if it wasn't for you. May the Lord bless and keep you in His protective arms. He knows what you feel. He's been there.

Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2022 2:47 a.m. PST

Guys, thank you so much. Your words of comfort, support, and understanding really do help. I can't really articulate how grateful I am. Thank you so much, God bless and Merry Christmas.

Personal logo Nashville Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2022 11:40 a.m. PST

This modest recitation of his career is typical of our officers. I am an attorney and part of my job is to represent officers who are members of the Fraternal Order of Police. I have had my share of abuse when folks ask "how can you represent those people?" Jeepers.. they risk their lives for us and accept a paltry salary. These are the heroes …

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP25 Dec 2022 6:13 p.m. PST

What you saw is what you are trying to keep the world from having to deal with every day. Cops, and firemen, and soldiers, and ER staff don't just think the unthinkable, they live it. I was a reserve officer for 27 years, worked about once a week for free, handling those kinds of calls in a small city in Los Angeles County.

If you need to talk, send me an email with your phone number.
Sometimes all it takes is a few words with someone who has been there.

What you are doing is extraordinary and worth it. What you are going through is a normal reaction to the abnormal.

Always be sure to take care of YOU not just others.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek

14Bore29 Dec 2022 2:45 p.m. PST

DN Jackson my hat is off to you. My dad was a Fireman and first responder most of my life and know only some of the things and situations he had to face.
Hobbies take your mind gawky for life's tribulations and I fully advocate them even if your life is as trying or bland as can be.
DN take care of yourself please

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