"Why do we think cats are unfriendly?" Topic
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Tango01  | 25 May 2020 2:19 p.m. PST |
"Cats are the only asocial animal we have successfully domesticated. We're disappointed that we don't bond with them as easily as dogs. But are we just missing the signs? Dogs seem almost biologically incapable of hiding their inner moods – shuffling, snuffling, tail-wagging clues to contentment, nervousness or sheer, unadorned joy. Despite what the famous painting might want to tell you, dogs would be terrible poker players. We pick up their cues all too easily. Cats also have sophisticated body language – their moods are signalled through twitching tails, ruffled fur, and the position of ears and whiskers. A purr usually (but not always) signals friendliness or contentment. They're a usually reliable method of working out if the cat is in friendly mode or best left alone…" Main page link Amicalement Armand |
Col Durnford  | 25 May 2020 4:23 p.m. PST |
ZULUPAUL  | 26 May 2020 1:28 a.m. PST |
I don't hate cats but I prefer dogs. Dogs seek to please you (mostly) cats seem not to care if you like them or not. My neighbor has a cat that sleeps under my car, when I go to get in the car he gives me a nasty look & meow & walks away disgusted. |
Patrick Sexton  | 27 May 2020 8:11 a.m. PST |
What people have to learn is that while dogs are hard wired to like you from the beginning, cats need that affection to be earned by you. i have found that almost everyone that dislikes cats does not rate any level of affection from any animal. Thanks, Pat |
SpuriousMilius | 06 Jun 2020 6:05 a.m. PST |
Mr. Sexton, I can't agree that all canines are pro-people. I appreciate any friendly critter but I've taken a 1.5 mile walk every day (weather permitting) for years & I've never had a cat threaten to attack me or run up & down a fence line with obvious hostility toward me like the neighborhood dogs often display. I know that dogs are territorial but I shouldn't have to fear being bitten by a roaming pet in the local public park. I also delivered mail as a summer job while in High School & encountered many dogs: some were friendly, a few ignored me, & a few were very aggressive; I was bitten only once by a Yorkie that ran up behind me & nipped my ankle (the bite didn't penetrate my pants & sock, thank goodness). |
14Bore | 08 Jun 2020 11:12 a.m. PST |
My cat Cinnamon is very freindly |
Tango01  | 09 Jun 2020 9:33 p.m. PST |
I have two cats… I have never cats in my life… only dogs… I have not a good opinion of them (family oral tradition)… and now… I loved them both… they are very affectionate and playful… Amicalement Armand