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"House Cats Have a Much Larger Impact on Wildlife" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP31 Mar 2020 9:15 p.m. PST

… Than Wild Predators.

"Birds alighting on driveways and baby bunnies munching on lawn grass should keep something in mind: Beware the house cat.

A new study shows that hunting by house cats can have big effects on local animal populations because they kill more prey, in a given area, than similar-sized wild predators. This effect is mostly concentrated relatively close to a pet cat's home, since most of their movement was a 100-meter radius of their homes, usually encompassing a few of their neighborhood's yards on either side.

Researchers from NC State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences collaborated with scientists and citizen scientists from six countries to collect GPS cat-tracking data and prey-capture reports from 925 pet cats, with most coming from the U.S., U.K, Australia and New Zealand…"
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Micman Supporting Member of TMP06 Apr 2020 12:20 p.m. PST

I know our cat is itching to get outside and hunt.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2020 12:15 p.m. PST



Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2020 10:03 a.m. PST

We had a cat problem in our neighborhood. My dog took care of it. It's called the Food Chain. Now the turkeys and other wildlife have returned.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jun 2020 9:17 p.m. PST

I have a neighbourg who has a puma and said the same about dogs…(Glup!)


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