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"‘We Don’t Deserve Dogs’ Review: A Fascinating Dog" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP24 Mar 2020 8:22 p.m. PST

… Doc that Tells a Very Human Story.

"The question that Matthew Salleh‘s documentary We Don't Deserve Dogs is ostensibly trying to answer is what exactly we did to deserve all that unconditional love from our four-legged friends. But much like we can't really get a straight answer from our furry companions—and I've tried—We Don't Deserve Dogs never actually comes to a conclusion, either, and it's a much more interesting film for it. Salleh's camera frames wide-ranging human stories from every corner of the globe through the lens of the dogs who pass no judgment on them, giving us the choice to see a different perspective with an equally impartial eye.

We Don't Deserve Dogs hops from country to country, stopping to find stories of local dogs that range from heartwarming, to inspiring, to devastating, to the charmingly mundane. All in all, the doc visits 11 countries—Chile, Uganda, Peru, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Finland, Romania, Vietnam, Nepal, and Scotland—and the sheer variety of tales told makes you feel every step of the journey. I went into We Don't Deserve Dogs expecting it to be emotional, but I didn't predict the emotional whiplash…"
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