"So I'm moving to Hawaii. Recommendations?" Topic
8 Posts
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javelin98 | 06 Apr 2019 9:46 p.m. PST |
I've gotten a job offer at the Pearl Harbor naval base on Oahu. Any locals want to give me recommendations on good neighborhoods vs. ones to avoid? I'll probably be looking at an apartment or condo, so I'm mostly worried about (1) crime and (2) commute to Pearl Harbor. Thanks, TMPers! Andreas |
14Bore | 07 Apr 2019 3:40 a.m. PST |
Been there long ago but can only wish you good luck. Can crime be that bad? I live and work around Philadelphia and don't fear for life and limb. But if I could live on Maui and commute every day. |
alex757 | 07 Apr 2019 10:41 a.m. PST |
violent crime on Oahu was very low, property crime not so much. I left Pearl Harbor in 2014 and there was a lot of property crime in the various base housing areas. Just be smart and don't keep anything of value in your car and you will be fine. Your commute will be an issue. Be prepared for a very long commute to go only a short distance. The people that lived at the far end of H3 probably had the easiest commute. H1 and H2 can be nightmares. Look up the Armchair Adventurer when you are there. He has a huge amount of stuff in a pretty small place. the-armchair-adventurer.com |
Sergeant Paper | 09 Apr 2019 7:00 a.m. PST |
You could look at apartments by Red Hill (just east of the naval base and no need to get on the freeway). Not sure what crime is like, I lived in Honolulu, about 5-6 miles east of Pearl. And moved to Kauai 3 years ago. Do not get sucked in by places on the west side of Pearl Harbor… Ewa is a horrible choke point for traffic flows in and out of there every day. And I heard horror stories about cheap construction in the cheap condos going up over there at Iroquois Point. Armchair Adventurer is the best game store and probably the only one on Oahu. They are in the Dole Cannery complex in Iwilei. |
javelin98 | 09 Apr 2019 7:52 a.m. PST |
Cool, thanks! Yes, I was looking at Ewa and trying to figure out how to commute around the harbor without actually buying a kayak. I'll take a look at Red Hill! |
Parzival  | 11 Apr 2019 5:11 a.m. PST |
Get a mustache, Hawaiian shirt, white shorts, and red Ferrari. You want to blend in.  |
javelin98 | 11 Apr 2019 12:38 p.m. PST |
I'll do it, but only if I get to live with a rich English snob and his private helicopter pilot! |
14Bore | 13 Apr 2019 8:28 a.m. PST |