"Is the Bronx still part of Germany?" Topic
4 Posts
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20thmaine  | 05 Apr 2019 4:22 a.m. PST |
I've been told by an impeccable source that if you were born in The Bronx in the early 20th century then legally you were German. To put it mildly I was surprised, but this source is usually right on the money with his facts. So, is this still the case? And if so how does one go from being a Bronx German to a United States citizen ? |
Private Matter | 05 Apr 2019 4:58 a.m. PST |
To gain US citizenship for those born in Bronx Germany, you need to have a lot of Blingin |
20thmaine  | 05 Apr 2019 2:22 p.m. PST |
Florida Tory | 06 Apr 2019 3:41 a.m. PST |