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"Kickstarter Is Failing American Buyers" Topic

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Personal logo Condor Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2018 8:57 a.m. PST

Over the past 18 months I backed two projects on Kickstarter. I have complained to Kickstarter about the projects. Once you file a complaint Kickstarter will not let you provide follow-up supporting information.

One company in Netherlands sent a bogus link that makes it look like something was delivered when, in fact, nothing was delivered. I contacted all the delivery services in this country and they say the tracking number is not associated with any package they had.

The other company, Cool Mini Or Not (aka CMON) says they are sending out packages for their Rising Sun game. According to their project it was to be shipped in April 2018. Four months later, all you see on the kickstarter website are complaints that backers have not received they copy.

CMON is maintaining the list of whom they send packages to, the fox guarding the hen-house. We are at their mercy and honesty. They made over $4 USD Million dollars on their project, yet they act like a 2-bit Ponzi scheme.

The comment section says be "considerate and respectful." Respect and consideration are two way streets.

In the future I will never back another project outside the United States. I will only back a project inside the US after I have scrutinized the company's ability to complete the project.

My honesty and reputation mean everything to me. I can get letters from several American and international businesses that I have dealt with vouch for my honesty.

altfritz08 Jul 2018 8:00 a.m. PST

Rising Sun is in stores now.

15mm and 28mm Fanatik08 Jul 2018 7:47 p.m. PST

It is not unusual for some backers to receive their products after they hit retail. I'd counsel patience but I know it's easier said than done.

I wouldn't worry about CMON not delivering though. It's one of the safer companies to back on KS and has a solid track record.

Personal logo Schmitt Supporting Member of TMP09 Jul 2018 1:03 p.m. PST

No it isn't. I have backed about 20 projects, with most being outside of the United States. All 20 or so have come through. So to me, they are batting a thousand.

45thdiv09 Jul 2018 3:31 p.m. PST

I have gotten everything I have backed, and it's over 40 items. I have backed most of the CMON games and all have been delivered.

Now, I pre-ordered Big Trouble In Little China board game and it was over a year late. It was not a kickstarter.

People keep thinking kickstarter is a pre-order system. It is not. It is a limited investment where you agree to invest so much money with the reward being some item or event if it is a theater or concert.

If you don't want to put money up front, then wait for the retail or buy it on eBay. Your comment about scrutiny on future projects to back should have been done from the start.

Personal logo Condor Supporting Member of TMP10 Jul 2018 7:47 a.m. PST

These are not the first projects I have backed. In fact, I have backed 12 myself. CMON and SODAQ are the two slowest, maybe even unscrupulous companies I have dealt with.

I own a couple of CMON's Zombiecide series games.

CMON clearly doesn't care about the complaints. Kickstarter clearly does not care either. Kickstarter, after all, is making money off $4 USD million collected. Kickstarter made over $400,000 USD for doing nothing more than providing web space and a mechanism to promote their game.

I paid $115 USD to back their project. Now I see I could have bought it on ETSY for 40% of that price. There are over 30 places to purchase the game on Amazon, all at a cheaper price.

I don't care what Kickstarter claims to be or not be, they took my money and delivered nothing. That makes them both a pair of lying thieves in my book.

Maybe I should contact Amazon and get them to ban the sale of the game until every backer gets their copy.

dapeters11 Jul 2018 11:35 a.m. PST

Frankly I've never understood the attraction or do I not understand this correctly? Your buy something unseen (okay virtually saw it) so you have no guarantee of the quality of the final product? It's like reordering a play station game, you don't know if it will be a dog trading on a franchise?

Mithmee19 Jul 2018 4:49 p.m. PST

kickstarter website are complaints that backers have not received they copy.

CMON and SODAQ are the two slowest, maybe even unscrupulous companies I have dealt with.

Probably not CMoN fault and that somewhere in the delivery chain someone decided that they could use it or resell it.

I did receive my copy back in April.

Also I have backed several of CMoN Kickstarters and received everything so far.

Massive Darkness
Raising Sun
Zombicide Black Plague: Green Horde

Still in Work

Song of Ice and Fire

So I have had nothing but success with CMoN.

Mithmee19 Jul 2018 4:50 p.m. PST

I have gotten everything I have backed, and it's over 40 items. I have backed most of the CMON games and all have been delivered.

Same as well so far four Kickstarters backed and three of them delivered.

DJCoaltrain12 Sep 2018 11:39 a.m. PST

The only kickstarter that has screwed me was the one I backed in my own state. The others have all come through for me.

Please delete me18 Sep 2018 5:50 a.m. PST

Kickstarter is now a no-go for me. Been burned. Multiple times.

Fool me once shame of you
Twice, shame on me
5, i must be an idiot

doublesix6616 Nov 2018 2:56 p.m. PST

I could argue the other way around I've backed 87 project's only two that I've been burnt on are from US based ks, another is 5 years late but might see the light of day due to impact miniature stepping in

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP17 Nov 2018 5:21 p.m. PST

I backed two and both were less than desirable. I don't see me doing any more.

doublesix6620 Mar 2021 4:42 a.m. PST

coming back on this topic my very late Kickstarter supposed to be oct 2017 'Siege of the Citadel' has finally arrived a lot of product for the money so all good will have to wait for lockdown to end before i can play it with friends again.

marco56 Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2023 11:05 a.m. PST

I have backed two and both delivered but a lot of guys said they never received the second one I backed, mostly in UK.

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