"AH's Afrika Korp with Step-Reduction - ?" Topic
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Joes Shop  | 26 May 2018 12:38 p.m. PST |
was re-reading an old Panzerfaust Issue (No. 61) and noticed an advert. on page 45 from 'Lighting Hobbies'/Dale Slack listing a revision to the standard rules with "Step-Reduction, new Supply system, variable Order of Appearance, Mines and others $1.50 USD ppd." Does anyone know anything about this variant; has anyone actually played it ? I've been looking at adding Step-Reduction to AK and this is the only reference I've found. Thanks in advance for any assistance! |
Tumbleweed  | 26 May 2018 7:24 p.m. PST |
It certainly sounds interesting. |
zoneofcontrol | 27 May 2018 6:44 a.m. PST |
Board Game Geek has a bunch of listing for new rules, game boards and counters. link Here is a link to a photo of the flip side of some new counters: link Grognard<dot>com has also has a listing of rules, reviews and magazine articles. link Article index: grognard.com/indexes/a34.html |
Joes Shop  | 27 May 2018 8:03 a.m. PST |
TW: agreed. With AK's low counter density I think it would be ideal for thus type of revision. ZOC: thanks, I've been through all that including all the issues of the General and now I'm trying to track down the additional references listed at Grognard. Two-Sided reduced value counters for AK are available for free from several sources and commercially from Upton Games (Canada) on E-Bay, but, none of these counter sets cones with a revised CRT which would be required in order to use the 'new' counters. I'm going through the Generals again: the earliest reference I can find is in Vol. 4, No. 5 where the author, Brooke Duvall advocates using the Blitzkrieg Tournament Game Attrition Table in place of the old CRT and recording (step) losses on paper. R'/Joe |
zoneofcontrol | 27 May 2018 11:11 a.m. PST |
Joe: Have you also checked out the Wargame Academy website? wargameacademy.org Also, as per you mention of the Blitzkrieg Tournament idea; Could you use the combat resolution procedure of the AH game Gettysburg '88? They are a similar level of game in complexity from the same company. May be worth trying. link Basically, for both sides: 1 – Add combat value 2 – Add/subtract any modifiers 3 – Roll 1d10 4 – Combine 1, 2 & 3 for a Total for each side. Defender wins if Equals or Exceeds Attacker's Total. Attacker wins if Exceeds Defender's Total Loser retreats one hex. (apply any retreat/movement restrictions) In addition: a. – if Winner's Total exceeds by 3 to 5, Loser makes 1 step loss. b. – if Winner's Total exceeds by 6 or more, Loser makes 2 step losses. Notes: A 2 step loss can come from a single unit with two sides or may come from 2 different units (if available). A Losing unit/units can stay in place and take a step loss/losses instead of retreating. |
zoneofcontrol | 27 May 2018 12:51 p.m. PST |
Another idea: Battle Of The Bulge – AH (Smithsonian Ed.) again from BoardGameGeek. link "Combat is pretty simple. Just calculate each side's combat factor, including modifiers for terrain, and both sides a roll a d10 and add that number to the combat factor. The highest number wins. If the defender wins, combat ends. If the attacker wins, the defender must retreat. In either case, if the winner wins by a difference of 4-6, the losing side takes 1 loss. If the difference exceeds 7+, the losing side takes 2 losses." |
Joes Shop  | 27 May 2018 1:43 p.m. PST |
ZOC: no, I was not aware of that website: will check it out thanks! Gettysburg '88 is one of my favorite division level 'Gettysburg' games and I think the combat system works well enough with the exception that combat situations can develop in the 1st day scenario that are very unhistorical. I want to try to stay as close as possible to the original design by using a CRT. The systems in both Gettysburg '88 and Bulge (Smithsonian) actually have a much higher luck factor than the older 'bloody' crt's. R'/Joe |