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"Best weekend ever ... Formula D - At Conquest Sac!" Topic

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1,178 hits since 7 Apr 2013
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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richarDISNEY08 Apr 2013 8:21 a.m. PST

Best weekend ever!

Over at Conquest Sac last weekend, I signed up to run two demos of Formula D ( ) and a 'four' hour session that we would run as many races as we could, keep track of points and have a big winner.

I was assigned a table that I would be using all day on Friday and Saturday, so I set up my game for my first demo. On Friday, I was going to have a two hour session of Demo, two hour break then the four hours session. Then a two hour session on Saturday. So I arrived an hour early on Friday and set up for my first game.

Almost immediately, I had a few folks looking at it so I ran a 'bonus' demo early. Then my regular demo (had a full 10 players -- had to turn two away). When that was finished, I took a 15 min break and saw some people looking at my boards, so I went back and gave them another demo. Then did my four hour session!

I came back on Sat two hours early and did a few 'pick up' demo games before I had my other demo.

So for a total of 14 hours over two days, I ONLY played Formula D! And I had enough tracks with me (using both second and third edition tracks) that for the entire time, we only played different tracks! Never the same track twice! AND we played on the HUGE Zanvoort 1 & 2 combined tracks.

For a Formula D lover, it was heaven!

I'd like to thank all of my players who did play (there were a few TMPers there who gave it a go) and letting me get my Formula D fix in!

Sergeant Paper08 Apr 2013 1:19 p.m. PST

I'm jealous. I've only played those tracks on the computer, which seems to cheat..


Fun game.

richarDISNEY08 Apr 2013 3:53 p.m. PST

I do have to mention that FD is my ALL time favorite game over any that I play.
Minis and RPGs included.

AND another game tonight!

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