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766 hits since 31 Oct 2012
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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John the OFM31 Oct 2012 6:37 p.m. PST

OK, who believed Lucas when he said there would be no Episodes 7-9?

That many?

Space Monkey31 Oct 2012 7:44 p.m. PST

Well, I thought we'd have to wait till after he died to get them.

kyoteblue31 Oct 2012 8:19 p.m. PST

I didn't watch the prequels so …….

Black Cavalier31 Oct 2012 9:05 p.m. PST

I figure with Disney now doing them, Buzz Lightyear will be the replacement for JarJar

Caesar31 Oct 2012 9:52 p.m. PST

I figure with Disney now doing them, they won't be so childish.

Mapleleaf31 Oct 2012 10:53 p.m. PST

Why stop with episode 9 ? As Buzz says;"To Infinity and beyond!"

Patrick R01 Nov 2012 3:43 a.m. PST

Lucas made the claim shortly after Empire Strikes Back came out. He said it once and it spread like wildfire. He never mentioned it again in all those years.

He must have figured that he'd have the prequels all done by 1990 and that he'd have plenty of time to get a good idea for a follow up. He never got beyond "Shift everything twenty years into the future, Luke is now a Jedi knight and they are rebuilding the republic" Knowing George and his talent for plots, it's clear that it would be just as messy as the prequels.

Then things broke down for Lucas, Marcia left him, the Kutzes were out of the picture and George sat on his laurels and concentrated on the prequels. It took him longer than he originally expected. Also the original trilogy bothered him. It was the work of other people who had disappointed him bitterly, he didn't like the OT and he started to change it so that it would be more "him" and airbrush out Marcia Lucas' work. By the time Return of the Jedi rolled out he was backpedalling on his his claims for a sequel trilogy and wasn't even certain he wanted to invest in the prequels.

By the Time George felt comfortable tackling the Prequels he had long abandoned the idea of the sequels. The prequels were his baby and his baby only, that's why current emphasis in Star Wars is 75% prequels, and 25% original trilogy. The sequels would connect to the films that made him rich and successful, but also gave him the most unhappy period of his life.

Lucas had some ideas, but nothing really good and useful for another trilogy. By the time the last prequel came out Lucas told himself and the world that the saga had come full circle.

Meanwhile the fans believed everything Lucas told them and over time it became dogma that Lucas had promised them 9 films and there would be nine films, not eight, nine being the number you are looking for. Ten being too much of a good thing and eleven would be a serious disturbance to the Force. Nine therefore it is, shall be and forever be, May the Force be with you.

Then Lucas decided it was time to get away from Star Wars and sold it to Disney. He probably put in a contract clause that he keeps final say about the original movies, but that the rest would be pretty much fair game. So Disney remembered the 9 film promise and used this as the sales pitch of the decade …

richarDISNEY01 Nov 2012 7:34 a.m. PST

I think Partick R sums it up nicely.

John, what George said that HE had no interest in making more SW movies. In an interview (which I cannot seem to find right now as the webs are filled with "who's to direct new ones" discussions), he even mentions that he would not mind handing over the reins for the next trilogy (if there was to be one…).

Speaking of the webs being full of theories right now, here as some ideas:
And for my two pence… None of the ones mentioned.

Terrement01 Nov 2012 7:43 a.m. PST

One can always hope that it will move back away from the Jar-Jars, little teddy bears, and other such cartoonish nonsense and get back to "good" movies like The Empire Strikes Back.


Streitax01 Nov 2012 8:02 a.m. PST

Are you kidding? Disney giving up on all that marketable crap? Never happen. There will be Ewok armies fighting Wookie armies in thrall to the new Jedi Emperor to rescue Jar Jar from the cruel hands of the Trade Federation.

richarDISNEY01 Nov 2012 1:08 p.m. PST

Here is some more 'speculation'…

138SquadronRAF05 Nov 2012 11:37 a.m. PST

Can we have two ecological disasters before eps 7-9 come out?

One to kill off the Gungans and one to kill off the Ewoks!

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