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"Creating the Dish "Plundered Pig" or "Knapsack Pork Dinner"" Topic

13 Posts

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le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2012 6:16 a.m. PST

I guess this is a question for any period food scholars out there? I want to create a dish for napoleonic themed dinners. What would the Napoleonic soldier in Belgum have been able to scrounge to go with the pig, besides onions?

What sort of vegetables did the population grow in thier home plots?

What would the modern equivelant of the commonly available bread look like?

What sort of seasoninging did the soldiers commonly carry besides salt?

Thanks to any reinactors or others who can help!

dapeters29 Jun 2012 6:39 a.m. PST

Depends on location and time of year

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian29 Jun 2012 7:29 a.m. PST

And which army, I imagine.

GR C1729 Jun 2012 9:26 a.m. PST


As it was a looted pig, nothing fancy, needs to be cooked and eaten before the officers catch up with you.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2012 10:17 a.m. PST

Summer. Charleroi area.

Yes, which army?

Hmmm. French….have to change the name though…

Cochon Libéré?

The officers will have some as well, as the caste system around the pot is merit based.

Stephens12329 Jun 2012 10:43 a.m. PST

Chicken Marengo is really good. Story is that Nappy's chef created the dish after the battle of Marengo. He used a chicken some shrimp and other odds and ends.

here is link to one receipe:
And here is wikipedia link:

Bon Appetit


Just about any meat boiled for the British.

Jana Wang29 Jun 2012 11:23 a.m. PST

Leeks, turnips, carrots, potatoes, fennel, cabbage, celery root, tomatoes, and eggplant might all have been found in a farmer's kitchen garden. For herbs: thyme, tarragon, chives and basil are classic French staples. Mushrooms of various types would have been found in the woods. And don't forget things like dried peas, beans, barley and lentils.

Probably the first night you'd feast on roast pig, and the rest of the week it would be stew or pottage made from the leftovers and bones and whatever beans and vegetables you had.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP29 Jun 2012 4:59 p.m. PST

Yum. I can work with that!
Any historical bakers out there? :)

Jana Wang29 Jun 2012 7:38 p.m. PST

Bread is stupidly easy. I recommend this recipe: link

Likely your average foot soldier would have had a brown/whole grain bread, but those are harder to make. You can use 1/4 to 1/3 rye or whole wheat in the above recipe with good results. Take care that your dough is not too soft. Shape it into a simple round boule or a long 'french loaf'/baguette shape.

Meanwhile, this is what the English were eating.

American cookbook of 1824. Probably not far off what their British cousins were, or had been, eating during the previous decades, allowing for changes in local foodstuffs. link

A slightly older cookbook, but one in wide circulation for many years in both England and America: link

RavenscraftCybernetics30 Jun 2012 5:27 a.m. PST

starr\t with a 4lb pebble and 2 buckets of water,
add scrounged ingredients from onlookers to taste.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP30 Jun 2012 7:36 a.m. PST

Jana Wang is Awesome.

capncarp16 Jan 2015 10:59 a.m. PST

starr\t with a 4lb pebble and 2 buckets of water,
add scrounged ingredients from onlookers to taste.

My favorite soup!

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