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"ACW Reenactment at Neshaminy, PA, May 1,2" Topic

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ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Apr 2010 1:46 p.m. PST

There is a very good ACW reenactment coming up in Neshaminy State Park, just north of Philadelphia. While not near any actual battlefield, this yearly reenactment draws over a thousand troops. It is very spectator friendly, so if you are in the are, be sure to drop by!

cwbuff02 May 2010 7:19 a.m. PST

Good sized reenactment. Hope you had a great time and let us know how it turned out.

ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP02 May 2010 2:52 p.m. PST

We were a little light on Confederates this year for some reason. We had about 600 Federals and only 200 Confederates. And it was unseasonably hot. This time of year average daytime temperatures are about 65-70. This weekend the highs hit 90! This is nothing unusual for summer reenactments, but very unusual for this time of year. Heat was a big problem because people were just not used to it. (Only a few days before, temperatures were in the 50s). So, we got pretty worn out. Even so, we had fun and it was a good event. We did Saylor's Creek on Saturday and captured the Rebs, and on Sunday we did the Battle of High Bridge and the Rebs captured us :)

muzik21203 May 2010 4:13 a.m. PST


Ah, so it was the MG that took our colors!! It looked great! Well what can you expect from heavy artillery turned infantry, we were poorly trained and eager to see the elephant before the wars end:) Good fight Sir!


muzik21203 May 2010 4:33 a.m. PST

Here we are before the slaughter…



ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP05 May 2010 5:18 a.m. PST


Oh, when I said "we", I meant the Federals as a whole. When your colors were being captured the Mifflin Guard was off moving artillery and preparing to march all the way around to the rear of the Confederates to launch an attack. But the battle ended before we could get there. On Saturday we were the first Federals out on the field in skirmish order (and the first to withdraw). On Sunday, we were the last group in. When the Confederates hit us in the rear (front and sides) we formed square, took a lot of casualties and then surrendered (as we were supposed to). It was a good fight!


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