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"Looking for a weird hat" Topic

3 Posts

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian photographs the same figure, with different cameras and equipment.

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1,690 hits since 5 Jan 2010
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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iouliared05 Jan 2010 7:18 p.m. PST

My soon to be Russian Father-in-law has been asking my girlfriend for years for a cap that he has seen many American jazz players wear. It is like a Kufi but more of a square skull cap than the round ones I see on the internet. It is wool I believe, not loosely knitted, I imagine like the type the great T. Monk might of worn. It is not like the Afgan style, nor is it a fez. While hunting on the 'net I find the word "skull cap" used wrong, often ending up being a biker's do-rag. So what is this thing called? Didn't we have a fashion board at one time? Please help, I've even been looking on Muslim clothing sites with no luck Thanks…

aecurtis Fezian05 Jan 2010 10:27 p.m. PST

Try searching for "kente kufi". If "Dad" doesn't like the colors of kente cloth, then just try looking for crown style kufis.


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