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"CRB Checks for UK Re-enactment Groups" Topic

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1,092 hits since 21 Jul 2009
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Guthroth21 Jul 2009 1:14 a.m. PST


Over on the British gaming board is a lively debate about upcoming changes to the CRB requirements which may have a big impact on wargame clubs and shows -

TMP link

As a side debate it may have major implications for re-enactment groups as well.

Could someone from a UK group who has experience of the new requirements please share their thoughts here ?


PS Or in private on guthroth @ colanhomm . org if you prefer

hurcheon21 Jul 2009 1:51 p.m. PST

What about crossing borders? Does a Scottish disclosure cover you in England and Wales or vice versa?

Bloody Daily Mail

hurcheon21 Jul 2009 2:01 p.m. PST

the group I used to be mainly active in mentions it on their website

The Vikings (once NFPS)

This might also be of interest in a macabre way, a Local Government Risk assesment for an event
PDF link

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian21 Jul 2009 2:37 p.m. PST

8 PAGES! I don't think that would fly in my local. And we have "living History" events with black powder.

Guthroth22 Jul 2009 1:17 a.m. PST

Scottish disclosures stop at Hadrians wall wall I'm afraid …

That Risk Assessment is fairly standard I'm afraid. Interesting though.

hurcheon22 Jul 2009 1:49 a.m. PST

No running in mail

Beware the evil combs. If they are sharp I assume carding combs for wool mind

GarrisonMiniatures22 Jul 2009 2:46 a.m. PST

CRB checks are 'job specific' and go with the post. For a club, I would think this means that you need at least one new CRB check a year for each member of a clubs executive as they change roles. The point is, with junior members the executive and committee would be deemed as the ones responsible for running things.

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