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1,367 hits since 1 Jan 2007
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jan 2007 3:56 p.m. PST

Heroscape is one of those games that has always fascinated me, and I have wanted to play, but don't have anyone around here to show it to me, or to play it with…

Here's hoping that will change soon…

kallman01 Jan 2007 5:20 p.m. PST

It is a fun game and something I wish had been around when I was a kid. My oldest son and I enjoy playing it very much.

mweaver01 Jan 2007 6:10 p.m. PST

From what everyone says, it does sound like a good game to recruit kids into miniatures gaming.

Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2007 7:22 p.m. PST

Just played it again today with my 12 year old nephew who got it for X-mas.(Great start to a new year!)Very enjoyable!
And from what I've gathered off the net you can make all sots of custom units! Promised my nephew some an elf unit for the next game! I also plan to make up a Napoleonic and
Greek unit just to intoduce him to different units through history.
(it's all I can do not to steal some of the hextiles for
a little Mighty emoires Campaigning)

Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2007 7:23 p.m. PST

Opps sorry abou all the typo's, still recovering from
the Fire Mountain Buffet earlier tonight.

Lerchey01 Jan 2007 8:32 p.m. PST

I got it for my 10 year old son this Christmas. We've played about a half a dozen games. Started with the basic rules, then after two smallish games, jumped right into the "master rules".

There are expansion sets with Greeks and with Elves. I've found expansions hard to find or expensive on ebay, but you can get 'em for $10-ish at Wal Mart and Target. I've picked up most of what either I wanted or thought he would want over the last week or so. :)

I got some militia men and werewolves, grut orcs, roman legionaires, "soulborgs" (robots) of various types, and some nice snake men.

I saw some custom conversions of heroclix figs to the game. I'm thinking that next time I can pick up some cheap ones at a con I'm going to do the Avengers, X-men, and a few villian teams. :)

Overall it's a pretty fun game. I lose a little more than I win.

yoshimasa01 Jan 2007 11:27 p.m. PST

I got it for my birthday in December 2005. Actually, my wife got me four sets, but that's because there was a buy-one-get-one-free sale in November 2005 on all Hasbro/Milton Bradley games.

It's cool that I saw this message today, because this evening I picked up the bridge set for $15 USD at Wal-Mart. I already had it, but since it's the only way to get "roads" and "walls", I can use another set or three.

I havn't picked up any miniatures sets in a while, but I am very tempted by the samurai and ninja set…

Be sure to check out all three major U.S. chains, Wal-Mart, Target, and Toys 'R Us. They have different sets and different "exclusives". Toys 'R Us, for instance, have sets that include standard bearers. I didn't get any yet; I've only seen them in TRU.

My 7 year old (soon to be 8) enjoys it. He needs help from my wife to read some of the cards, but he memorizes the abilities… and he beats me often. I usually don't have to hold back for him to win, either. The only real problem is that whenever I set it up on the table he wants to play it for a week or two, meaning it takes up the space on the table for that long.

I would like to see some more "serious" rules, either using the miniatures that come with the game or with other minis. Something pretty fast paced/low complexity. I was intending to use the terrain with the HarnMaster RPG, but we ended up dropping that game. I may still use it if/when I get around to playing Savage Worlds.

WarHound02 Jan 2007 4:51 a.m. PST

My 10 and 8 year old have the game and have played it a few times with and without me. The only comment my older son has is that so far there are very few expansions here in Australia and he wants to repaint all the figures LOL .. 8)

jimbeau02 Jan 2007 7:14 a.m. PST

The new castle expansion has a few roads, but mostly it has the walls we all clamor for :)

There are other uses for the terrain as well, I use it for For the Masses and I know you could use it for a game or twelve of battletech.


Karellian Knight02 Jan 2007 5:19 p.m. PST

It appears I'm the only adult that bought this game for myself. OK, I bought it because I wanted to use the hex tiles, for other games. But when it arrived me and my partner played a game, then I introduced to my Wednesday gaming group, they loved it and it is a regular favourite. Then I took it to the club and within a couple of weeks a few other members had their own sets. I now have 8 sets and most of the expansions. It's just the sort of game we like, simple, but tactical. If only Hasbro would release this game's expansions in the UK. We only have Wave 1.

HobbyGnome02 Jan 2007 5:50 p.m. PST

I admit to buy it for myself as well. It's the perfect balance of cool bits and casual wargame that I prefer. now the challenge of getting multiples of the expansions, and tricking out the terrain tiles for really nice looking games.
Gnomes rule all.

Annerios03 Jan 2007 10:19 a.m. PST

Come join the community at
It is the largest Heroscape site on the web with plenty of resources for the casual gamer or the hardcore.

You will find incredible custom units, custom figures, improved rules and other enhancements to tailor the game to the complexity level you want to achieve. Heroscape is more than just a "gateway" game. . .

Hillman03 Jan 2007 8:08 p.m. PST

Heroscape simply rocks. I don't need 16 pages of rules to make a cool, fun game!

Nick5304 Jan 2007 8:53 a.m. PST

fellow heroscapers, I am having trouble downloading the Jan. 2007 issue of the codex. When I go to the codex site the site is showing the Oct. 2006 as the current issue. What am I doing wrong. Please help.

Annerios05 Jan 2007 9:18 a.m. PST

Nick53. I believe that was happening yesterday. It had the wrong image, but the downloaded file was the correct issue. I checked today and the image issue seems to be fixed.

You can get the latest issue here:

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