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LeadLair7620 Jan 2011 5:14 p.m. PST

Ok 500 is easy can it get to 1000?

Valator20 Jan 2011 6:47 p.m. PST

Hmm… moving packaging to Utah, eh? That's cute.

Unrelated to Utah, but rather the stench of human feces steaming up from Georgie's letter, I've decided that I won't just boycott their pseudo-company, but anybody who stocks their crap after they get going again. It's all business, right? The Chinese owner and Georgie the Raider get to do whatever they please because they have the money, then we, the customers, get to do whatever we please as well, because they want our money.

BundyTime21 Jan 2011 4:14 a.m. PST

Well, if we're going to try and take this to 1k, we better get back on that anti-China tangent…. there's nothing like the fear of losing one's place on the medal stand to bring out the posters!


Bashytubits21 Jan 2011 1:54 p.m. PST

This entire situation is just apalling, I had such high hopes for this company. I will NOT support this company with the current ownership regardless of the legality of it.
You simply do not treat peoples lives and dreams this way.

sector5122 Jan 2011 1:34 a.m. PST

You simply do not treat peoples lives and dreams this way.

Sorry but it has happened, does happen and will happen (not just at WF). Business and other walks of life are brutal.

Mick in Switzerland22 Jan 2011 4:54 a.m. PST

The new owners have published this picture of the new Persians, Persian Cavalry and Orcs. All three are planned for Feruary release.

They look excellent but, unfortunately, if you look close there is a missing piece.

How do you control the horse?
Answer is here – posted by Tony in October

BlackWidowPilot Fezian22 Jan 2011 8:44 a.m. PST

"Sorry but it has happened, does happen and will happen (not just at WF). Business and other walks of life are brutal."

And this makes such conduct right *how* again? This justifies such behavior *how* again?

I prefer honesty and integrity in my personal and professional dealings and refuse to excuse or enable such behavior. IMHO this "business is business" meme just doesn't cut it any more than the behavior it is meant to excuse and facilitate.

Leland R. Erickson

Bashytubits22 Jan 2011 11:35 a.m. PST

I absolutely second that sentiment, you cannot validate such inexcusable behavior by passing it off simply as "business". Bad things happen in business, I know this having had one in the past that failed after many years. But you cannot endorse such behavior if you ever expect people to act to a higher standard.

GNREP822 Jan 2011 1:54 p.m. PST

it does strike me that there is overall a distinct cultural divide in reactions – beteween those from the US who seem to regard this as the gretest bit of treachery since Benedict Arnold (not helped by the involvement of someone Chinese) and those from the UK and Europe who are more sanguine about it

sector5123 Jan 2011 1:51 a.m. PST

And this makes such conduct right *how* again? This justifies such behavior *how* again?

I prefer honesty and integrity in my personal and professional dealings and refuse to excuse or enable such behavior. IMHO this "business is business" meme just doesn't cut it any more than the behavior it is meant to excuse and facilitate.

Sorry but to expect business not to be conducted like this is to live in a dream land.

Office politics is just like this, with people trying to gain a bit of advantage over the others and some even prepared to destroy their colleagues to get that advantage.

It is life, so be prepared to deal with it.

castellan23 Jan 2011 9:42 a.m. PST

How do you "deal" with it?
Many believe that Mr. Reidy's reponse was unprofessional. So, what should he have done? That is if true.

sector5123 Jan 2011 10:01 a.m. PST

Oh you can the same thing but much nicer.

In fact when I had a 'difficult' letter to write, I usually gave it to a colleague to look over before it got sent. That usually avoids personal issues clouding your judgement.

But it has been done, only useful for lessons learned.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian23 Jan 2011 9:35 p.m. PST

"Sorry but to expect business not to be conducted like this is to live in a dream land.

Office politics is just like this, with people trying to gain a bit of advantage over the others and some even prepared to destroy their colleagues to get that advantage.

It is life, so be prepared to deal with it."

LOL!!! What a marvelous rationalization for tolerating this sort of behavior. Does the word "enabler" have any meaning for you? Sorry, "sector 51," but Homie here don't play that.evil grin

BTW, I teach Machiavelli and Sun Tzu (among other such relevant materials) to undergrads; it is one thing to have such knowledge, but what you do with it is quite another matter entirely. I teach it as a form of self-defense, not a blueprint for shafting one's colleagues or associates to make a buck. Hell, even Sun Tzu insisted that the ruler had to be "… trustworthy as a matter of course!"evil grin

Telling me to "…deal with it" is frankly… *crazy,* but then again, I suspect you know virtually nothing about my own professional bona fides, so I'll chalk it up to too much cynicism on your end and leave it at that.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

Old Bear23 Jan 2011 10:51 p.m. PST

Sadly for the modern world, Leland, I fear that the contents of The Prince hold far more sway in the Capitalist world than the Art of War does.

French Wargame Holidays24 Jan 2011 2:54 a.m. PST


I guess that puts a spanner in may peoples plans with the WSS range

Dunadan24 Jan 2011 6:06 a.m. PST

"Sorry but to expect business not to be conducted like this is to live in a dream land.

Office politics is just like this, with people trying to gain a bit of advantage over the others and some even prepared to destroy their colleagues to get that advantage.

It is life, so be prepared to deal with it."

Business=Cutthroat dealing without ethics
Professional=How business people conduct their business

Why again do we want Mr. Reidy's letter to be professional? ;)

BlackWidowPilot Fezian24 Jan 2011 8:10 a.m. PST

"Sadly for the modern world, Leland, I fear that the contents of The Prince hold far more sway in the Capitalist world than the Art of War does."

That has yet to be seen, "Old Bear." IMHO this party is still just getting started…evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

Old Bear24 Jan 2011 9:13 a.m. PST

Leland, worst thing is after I typoed that previously I thought the same as you are suggesting and it wasn't exactly an encouraging picture either.

sector5124 Jan 2011 10:14 a.m. PST

"Sadly for the modern world, Leland, I fear that the contents of The Prince hold far more sway in the Capitalist world than the Art of War does."

Oh we got it all, strangely enough not the Machiavelli; The Art of War, Book of 5 Rings, all the current business speak.

When it was suggested that Alexander the Great was a good project manager, I disagreed, since I argued it all fell to pieces after he was gone.

BTW it was a US company (AT&T) that put us through the course – and it was a very cut throat environment where you negotiated your own rate of pay annually, so two people doing the same job could be getting different pay.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian24 Jan 2011 5:03 p.m. PST

"Leland, worst thing is after I typoed that previously I thought the same as you are suggesting and it wasn't exactly an encouraging picture either."

In other words, for the "Old Bear" the glass is half empty.

I can only assert that I am a product of my upbringing, as my Dad was a WW2 US Marine who volunteered right after Pearl Harbor when things didn't look all that encouraging for human civilization either. That old man ruined me for life, as he pounded in my head from a very young age that the fight ain't over until the last human being alive uses their last breath to raise their middle figure to an uncaring universe. evil grin

Like I said, this party's just gettin' started.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

BlackWidowPilot Fezian24 Jan 2011 5:10 p.m. PST

"Oh we got it all, strangely enough not the Machiavelli; The Art of War, Book of 5 Rings, all the current business speak."

I happen to teach these various tomes to those who may very well come to use them as their respective authors originally intended (ie., these are *not* first semester business school undergrads who think they're the next Gordon Gekko I am teaching here…)…evil grin

And don't get me started on AT&T… I just sent them a "love letter" today regarding what passes for their phone service here in the Dallas metroplex… I actually managed to impress myself in that I kept the letter free of, er, *colourful* prose despite continuing provocation that is the exercise in Chaos Theory that passes for AT&T phone service… evil grin

And I agree with you about Alexander the Great: superbly bold battlefield commander and leader on a direct, personal level, but long-term planner, not so much.evil grin

Then again to be fair, he *did* kick the bucket at the age of 33…

Leland R. Erickson

Old Bear24 Jan 2011 11:52 p.m. PST

In other words, for the "Old Bear" the glass is half empty.

Afraid so. I put it down to a lack of Deleted by Moderator, these days. My properly Deleted by Moderator friends tend to be way happier than the Deleted by Moderators. I think that may well come with age.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian25 Jan 2011 11:34 a.m. PST

"Afraid so. I put it down to a lack of Deleted by Moderator, these days. My properly Deleted by Moderator friends tend to be way happier than the Deleted by Moderators. I think that may well come with age."

Deleted by Moderator, but I would offer you this observation, that ours is a resilient and combative species that when the chips are down tends to really start shining in surprising and unexpected ways.

Do not count us out yet, "Old Bear," as I said before; this party's just gettin' started.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

Grimmnar29 Jan 2011 7:24 a.m. PST

Ah ha i got the last comment on this train wreck.
No glory for the ODB. :-)


GarrisonMiniatures29 Jan 2011 4:02 p.m. PST

Congratulations Grimmnar.

Lampyridae31 Jan 2011 10:55 p.m. PST

Whatever. Looks like I won't be ordering any of those shock troopers then.

royalempire61308 Feb 2011 8:36 p.m. PST

Shame with the Shock Troopers

they are great

GameThug12 Feb 2011 10:35 a.m. PST

For an interesting analysis of the WF situation from a small-business perspective:


GNREP813 Feb 2011 9:31 a.m. PST

For an interesting analysis of the WF situation from a small-business perspective:


Interesting (sounds when written that way like a commerical version of the military disaters we are so familiar with where the commander make a whole series of decisions some of which were faulty on own account and some of which prove disasterous due to entirely unforeseen circs – though the underlying message still seems to be never sell 41% of your shareholding) and thats a good photo of a Shock Trooper.

CelticPagan20 Feb 2011 11:58 a.m. PST


Here conclusions and assessments are rather spot on.

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