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"Beneath the Planet of the Apes" Topic

2 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2023 12:48 a.m. PST

I wouldn't completely disagree with you, but I always found this an enjoyable watch. And in many ways it should have finished the movie franchise (we didn't call them franchises back then of course!).

Of course I haven't seen it in….probably 14 years.

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2023 12:10 p.m. PST

Oh man, I disagree with the review in most respects. I think it makes a great double feature with the original and does bring the original story arc to a close. I'm impressed by the effects and the action sequences, the script is tight, the only way it looks "cheap" to me is how they had to cut some make-up corners by putting some extras in masks during General Ursus' big war-mongering speech.

It's a corker! We see an ape army on the march, flags, artillery, cavalry and the hideous bomb-worshipping mutants in the Forbidden Zone are suitable enemies. Great potential for game scenarios here: skirmish level, RPG, or a major battle in the underground.

And then there's Nova.

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