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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian begins to think about terrain for Team Yankee.

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Would these coasters be useful to you for miniature wargaming?

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206,617 hits since 17 Jul 2004
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Basic Membership

What kind of TMP memberships are there?
You can be a Basic Member (free), a Supporting Member (usually paid) Supporting Member logo, or a Sponsoring Member (advertiser) Sponsoring Member logo.
Why should I become a Basic Member?
With a basic membership, you can configure your homepage to match your hobby interests - for instance, if you like WWII but dislike fantasy, you can set it up so you don't see fantasy items on the homepage.
I'm a Basic Member and I said I dislike fantasy, but I still see occasional fantasy items.
Some items - such as news articles - may span multiple categories. For instance, if you block fantasy but not WWII, you would still see articles about WWII French Gnomes.
What else do I get for being a Basic Member?
You can determine how many pictures to show on the homepage (up to ten). You can also post to many of the website forums. You can also adjust the Adult Filter.
Do I have to give you my email address?
No - but if you don't, and you lose your password, the website can't send you a reminder. You also can't gain Verified status without an email address on file.
I have a new email address. How do I update my membership with the new info?
You can update it here.
What's this Verified business?
Verified members are those who have a verified email address on file, or are Supporting Members. Verified members have posting privileges on the forums. You will be asked to re-verify your email address once per year. We do this to make sure we have your current email address, and to make it more difficult for trolls and sock puppets to cause trouble on the forums.
Will you spam me?
No. And we won't sell your email to anyone else.
How do I become a Basic Member?
Go here, look for the Reader Name spot, and click the "Set" button.
How do I get my member badge?
If you're already a member, just go here. You can print out your badge and wear it at shows or conventions, so other TMP'ers can find you.
What's the Adult Filter?
TMP does not publish pictures of pornographic or sexual fantasy miniatures. However, gaming miniatures do occasionally feature nudity. (For instance, warriors in ancient times sometimes fought unclothed, and historical figures may reflect that.) If you are not a member of TMP, the Adult Filter is ON by default - which means that pictures which might be unsuitable for children are screened out. Basic Members have the option of turning the filter OFF.


Someone already has the membername I want.
Try spelling it a little differently. Or check with me - maybe the other account is abandoned and you can claim the name.
Can I pick a membername based on some famous person?
Only if they're dead.
Can I choose a membername that could be confused for a previous member?
That's called spoofing, and it's not allowed.
Can I choose a membername that makes fun of another member?
Can I choose a membername that is vulgar or profane?
I'm tired of my membername. Can I change it?
Yes, you can do that from the Member Settings page.
I'm offended by someone's membername.
If you are offended by someone's membername, contact the member directly and suggest they change the name. If neither you nor they are Supporting Members, you can ask Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian to forward a message.
But they didn't change it.
You can bring the matter up for discussion on the Talk About TMP board. If there is concensus that the name is overly offensive, Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian can change the name.
Someone else is using my name. Is that identity theft?
If someone else is using your real-life name for their account, you may have a valid complaint - contact me. However, remember that this is a Big World. I received an "identify theft" complaint once, where it turned out that both people really did have the same initials and last name...

Membership Issues

Why did you reject my email address?
Due to previous problems with trolls, we no longer allow members to use so-called disposable or one-time-use email addresses.
Why did you close my account for "suspicious IP activity"?
It is our experience that internet trolls often use TOR and similar services to hide their originating IP address. Therefore, if we notice that your IP addresses look suspicious, we reserve the right to lock your account.

Log-In Problems

Why do I have to log in everytime I revisit the website?
The website should recognize you automatically - there is no need to log in, as long as your system has the cookie which identifies you to our server. If the website doesn't recognize you, check your browser or security settings to make sure you aren't blocking or erasing the cookie.
I use MS Internet Explorer. How can I grant cookie access to TMP?
You shouldn't need to do this unless you're having log-in problems. If so:
To customize your privacy settings for an individual Web site:
  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab, and then click Edit.
  3. In Address of Web site, type "". To specify that you want Internet Explorer to always allow cookies from TMP to be saved on your computer, click Allow.

Quiting TMP

I'm no longer interested in wargaming. How do I quit TMP?
Just stop visiting the website. That's all it takes.
Will you erase my account?
If you have never posted on the forums, your account will automatically be deleted after a certain period of time.
But I've posted on the forums!
Then your membership can't be erased, since that would disrupt the previous forum discussions.
But I don't want my name displayed on TMP any more.
Just change your membername before you leave.