Probert | 22 Jan 2007 7:01 a.m. PST |
Someone asked for it, so here it is, all colors Vallejo. German Army WWII Tanks Russia 40-e42 V862 1942+ V914 Green Ochre Camo V890 Reflective Green V872 Chocolate Brown Three Color V981 Orange Brown V950 Black Desert V912 Tan Yellow Basic Uniforms V 830 German Field Gray Collar V970 Deep Green Jack boots Black Low boots V822 German Brown Black Waders V830 Field Gray Webbing Black Or V822 German Brown Black Ammo pouches Black Or V822 German Brown Black Or V986 Deck Tan Haversack V986 Deck Tan Canteen V822 German Black Brown Or V846 Mahogany Brown Mess Tin V967 Olive Green Gasmask Can V922 Neutral Gray Helmet V995 German Grey Reed Green Uniform V920 German Uniform Basic Uniform 1939+ Item Colour Code Tunic German uniform 920 Trousers Neutral grey 992 Webbing Black 950 Ordinance Green Yellow Olive 892 Field cap German fieldgrey WWII 830 Helmet Olive Green 967 Tunic Collar Black green 980 Basic Uniform 1941+ Item Colour Code Tunic German fieldgrey WWII 830 Trousers German fieldgrey WWII 830 Webbing Black 950 Ordinance Green Yellow Olive 892 Field cap German fieldgrey WWII 830 Helmet Olive Green 967 German Grey 995* Tunic Collar German fieldgrey WWII 830 Basic Uniform 1944+ Item Colour Code Tunic Russian Uniform 924 Trousers Russian Uniform 924 Webbing Black 950 Ordinance Green Yellow Olive 892 Field cap German fieldgrey WWII 830 Helmet Olive Green 967 German Grey 995* Tunic Collar Russian Uniform 924 Ammo Pouches HL Grey 994 Uniform Variations 1944+ Item Colour Code Tunic English uniform 921 Trousers English uniform 921 Webbing Yellow ochre 913 HL Grey 994 Ordinance Green Yellow ochre 913 Field cap Russian Uniform 924 Helmet Yellow ochre 913 Anklets Green 975 Tropical Uniform/Desert Item Colour Code Uniform Yellow ochre 913 Khaki 988 Desert Yellow 977 Webbing Mahogany brown 846 Sand Yellow 916 Ordinance Yellow Dark sand 847 Field cap Yellow ochre 913 Helmet Tan Yellow 912 Boots Red Leather 818 Luftwaffe Field Division, 42+ Steel Helmet German Grey 995 Luftwaffe Blue 816 Smock Camo Green 823 Splinter Brown 846 Green 885 Webbing/Boots Grey 994 Black Bayonet Frog Grey 994 Field Flask Black Brown 822 M38 Gas Mask Case German Grey 995 Luftwaffe Blue 816 Gas Sheet Case Luftwaffe Blue 816 Collar patches Flat Green 968 Panzer Crew 1939-1945 Field Cap Neutral Grey 992 Beret Black Officer Cap German Uniform 920 Cap/Tunic/Trousers Black Grey 994 Waffenfarbe Sunset Red 802 Belt/Boots Black Grey 994 Shirt/Gloves Neutral Grey 992 Splinter Camo Item Colour Code Base Colour (pale) Pastel Green 885 Base Colour (dark) Russian Uniform 924 Base Colour (marsh) Buff 976 Brown Colour Beige Brown 875 Green Clour Luftwaffe Cam Green 823 Raindrop colour Black Green 980 Fallshrimjager Bread Bag German Grey 995 Webbing/Pouches Chocolate Brown 872 Water Bottles " " Holsters " " 1939-1940 Airforce Blue Helmet Luftwaffe Uniform 816 Smock Sky Grey 989 Pants/Pouches 964 1939-1940 Plain Green Helmet German Grey 995 Smock/Helmet Cover Green Grey 886 Trousers/Pouches Field Grey 830 Crete-1945 Splinter Smock/Cover German Camo Beige- base 821 Luftwaffe Camo Green-camo 823 Flat Brown-camo 984 Trousers/Pouches Fieldgrey 830 N. Africa and Italy Camo Smock/cover German Camo Beige-base 821 Luftwaffe Camo Green-camo 823 Flat Brown-camo 984 Trousers/Pouches Desert Yellow 977 Italian Camo Pattern Olive Grey-base 888 Germ Camo Med Brown-camo 826 Sand Yellow-camo 916 Zeitbahn base V 821, geometric pattern V826, V 890 SS Collars Black/ V 896 Extra Dark Green Haversack V886 Green Grey V986 Deck Tan V819 Iraqi Sand V977 Desert Yellow Mess Tin/ Gasmask V 995 German Grey Helmet V 995 German Grey Ammo Cans PS Panzer Dark Yellow SMG Ammo Pouches V 914 Green Ochre Map Cases " " Map/Binoc Cases GW Dark Flesh Geibersjager Anorak 66% V887 Brown Violet, 33% V992 Neutral Grey M39 Grenade V975 Green Field Flask V875 Beige Brown V822 Brown Cookpot V790 Silver M38 Gasmask case V896 Dark Green Gas Cape V975 Green V886 Green Grey Spade Holder V994 Grey Black Scabbard Black Camo Patterns Splinter Base V 821 Germ Camo Beige, geometric splotch V 826 Germ Camo Med Brown, V 823; rain dashes V896 Or: Base Color with V885 Pastel Green for lighter camo, V924 for darker camo, or V976 Buff for marsh pattern. Then add the following in the classic splinter pattern V875 Beige Brown and V823 Luft Camo Green; rain dashes V896. Oak Leaf Base V 825 , splotch & dots V 977, add V 833 inside splotches and dots. Base V825 German Camo Pale Brown, splotch and dot V862 Black Grey, add V850 Medium Olive inside splotches and dots. Plane Tree Base V 833, add splotches V 826, add V 896 on top with holes and dots. BaseV825 German Camo Pale Brown, dark spots V822 German Camo Black Brown, light spots V857 Golden Olive, dark green fields V833 Germ Camo Bright Green. Pea Dot Base V835 Salmon Rose; V988 Khaki, V825 Germ Camo Pale Brown, V822 German Camo Black Brown, V833 German Camo Bright Green. Base V912 Tan Yellow, then add patches of V825 German Pale Camo Brown and V835 Salmon Rose, then over that add dots of V822 German Camo Black Brown, V833 German Camo Bright Green and V 835 Salmon Rose. Palm Base V929 Light Brown + V805 German Orange; V822 German Black Brown, V833 German Bright Green. |
Probert | 22 Jan 2007 7:02 a.m. PST |
Sorry about the format being confusing, my copy and paste method did not do the proper spacing to make this legible. But y'all are smart folks, and will figure it out. Especially the parts I am dead wrong about. |
axabrax | 22 Jan 2007 7:32 a.m. PST |
This is great but it would be even more useful if you had some photos that demonstrated the results. AX |
The Lost Soul | 22 Jan 2007 9:35 a.m. PST |
Thank you! I am just now starting a 1939 German combat group and you have saved me hours and hours of research. Very, very much appreciated! Now, because we are never satisfied, does anyone have a list of Vallejo colors for 1939 Polish forces? |
Probert | 22 Jan 2007 9:50 a.m. PST |
Very incomplete list here: WWII Polish Color Guide Uniforms V880 Khaki Grey Tan Earth V921 British Uniform Webbing V988 Khaki Haversack V988 Khaki Helmet Olive Grey Belt Flat Brown Cavalry Belt V818 Red Leather Overcoats V921 English Uniform Mechanized Overcoats Black, HL Grey |
Darkson Designs | 22 Jan 2007 11:53 a.m. PST |
Great stuff. How about US colors? |
HobbyGuy | 22 Jan 2007 12:38 p.m. PST |
Wow, how incredibily generous of you. I agree with Ooh Rah, what a huge time saver. I for one, would love to anything else you've got in your painting guides (US, UK, USSR). I'd love to see some pics as well as axabrax said. But either way, great thanks for your hard work. Wow! |
The Lost Soul | 22 Jan 2007 2:30 p.m. PST |
Thanks again so much. Not only have you made me happy, but somewhere there is a Vallejo vendor about to be even happier. Now, where is my credit card? |
Raynman  | 22 Jan 2007 3:50 p.m. PST |
Probert | 22 Jan 2007 4:24 p.m. PST |
No pix, no camera, and computer illiteracy. Will post the rest. |
MikeKI | 23 Jan 2007 3:01 p.m. PST |
Nice one. i spent ages trying to find that info. The U.S. would be cool as already mentioned. Cheers again. |
Probert | 24 Jan 2007 4:38 a.m. PST |
I posted it under the GI 44-45 thread a little down the page. |
Sturmgrenadier | 22 Sep 2007 3:27 p.m. PST |
Just raising this one from the grave. Probert, where the paint description and number clash, is either fine, or is the number more likely to be accurate? EG: Cap/Tunic/Trousers Black Grey 994 Black Grey is 862 while 994 is Dark Grey. |
Toysoldierglory | 26 Nov 2007 1:42 p.m. PST |
This guide to german uniform painting is nonsense, using such a wide range of vallejo colours is foolish, amateurish & a waste of money, The first basics for a model painter, is to know how to mix & blend the right colours to the required effect. |
zoneofcontrol | 26 Nov 2007 1:53 p.m. PST |
Somebody missed their nap. |
Toysoldierglory | 26 Nov 2007 2:11 p.m. PST |
I did not mean to sound irritated over the list, im just making a point. It is waste of money & imagination, to have to buy seperate vallejo paints, for every single detail on a model figure. You can easily do perfect details, to the paintwork using 1/5 of the paints mentioned, by mixing & blending. |
Toysoldierglory | 26 Nov 2007 2:19 p.m. PST |
The commercialised theme of this thread can be summerised with this post: 'Thanks again so much. Not only have you made me happy, but somewhere there is a Vallejo vendor about to be even happier. Now, where is my credit card?' |
pjww57 | 27 Nov 2007 10:05 a.m. PST |
Toysoldierglory – you are of course entitled to your opinion though I feel using terms such as nonsense, foolish and amateurish to be a tad rude and ott. I for one found Probert's info extremely helpful and have referred to it many times. That may make me foolish and amateurish – if so, so be it. We can't all aspire to your greatness. |
SeattleGamer  | 27 Nov 2007 6:04 p.m. PST |
you must certainly be a highly skilled painter. That isn't sarcasm either, I mean it. I am comfortable with a brish, and totally devoid of any color-mixing skills. Any. I couldn't make grey if you gave me black and white paint pots. Seriously. And I over-worry about being able to replicate the exact same shade again. Mixing is not something I can do. I will use a color, straight from the pot, that is CLOSE, before I would ever, EVER attempt to mix something up to get the perfect shade. So, while you may find the list above: -nonsense, -foolish, -amateurish, and -a waste of money They are EXACTLY what I like to find. Does that mean I will actually BUY every single shade as described? Perhaps not. Perhaps Chocolate Brown, Mahogany Brown, and Black Brown will all become Medium Brown because I'm cheap or cant' really tell the difference between the three shades at arm's length. But it's nice to have specific colors to shoot for. I don't understand why you felt compelled to criticize Probert for supplying detailed info. I don't think it's nonsense or foolish to want to paint accurate colors without mixing. And amateurish? Well, I guess if "professionals" always mix their colors, then yes, I guess you are right on a technicality. But I find that anything that allows me to spend less time doing hobby stuff, gives me more output for my limited hobby time. So "shortcuts" like using standard paints are actually BETTER than foolishly wasting time and expending effort to mix up a custom color and get the formula just right. It's a trade-off between money and time. This hobby is ALWAYS about that very same trade-off. Build your own terrain or buy? Pre-paints or paint them yourself. Or perhaps even hire it done? I really don't see why you attacked Probert the way you did. And I should clarify, you didn't attack him personally, you attacked his approach. Harshly. Now, if you really think he is totally a loon to suggest getting 11 colors to paint a basic uniform, then why not sit down and write up exactly how many drops of each basic color we need to place into a pot and stir so we can achieve that same effect? I wonder how many colors we will need, and how much experimentation it will take to equal those same colors? I don't have the time to figure it out. Perhaps you do. Steve |
SNOW72 | 03 Jan 2008 11:33 a.m. PST |
need pictures off a tiger 1 mid production cheers guys tank crew 1944 ukraine |
Crunchy Frog | 09 Jan 2008 5:31 p.m. PST |
Gee, Toysoldierglory! Thanks for making sure that people feel afraid to post their generous contributions for the rest of us. I'm sorry if you're having a bad life, or if you hate the fact that not everyone is a Professional Painter, but did you really need to fire off such harsh and unfriendly criticism at someone who just wanted to share? Honestly, if the idea of people buying many different paints aggravates you that much, you might ask yourself some hard questions about what's really upsetting you, and I say that seriously and with sincere concern for your well-being. It's not like Probert was attacking people who mix their own colors
I am a competent color mixer, and I do quite a bit of it, but I can see why someone pressed for time but not for cash, or someone who just doesn't have that mixing knowledge or skill would just buy a ton of paints. Attacking Probert for sharing his list is just plain against the spirit of this site. Probert: Thanks for sharing! Please don't let people who angry about Something Else stop you from sharing. 99.99% of us applaud your efforts! Tom |
DTCote | 25 Jan 2008 1:17 p.m. PST |
Probert I am doing to Dragon figures Tiger Aces (Normandy 1944) 6028 do you know what Vallejo colors would be good for these figures there is the camo one and the D figure but on the D fig it looks like the Luftwaffe color for the pants but this can not be right ? |
viking | 27 Jan 2009 3:16 p.m. PST |
Guys, Many, Many thanks for some truly outstanding information. |
Marc the plastics fan | 22 Mar 2014 1:48 p.m. PST |
Good guide – only just found it – typical! |
Probert | 22 Dec 2016 11:42 a.m. PST |
I'm still trying to find all my old lists, glad they're still here. |
christot | 25 Dec 2016 2:10 a.m. PST |
Thanks for bumping this, a useful resource that I missed first time around |
ConfederateGrey | 24 Jan 2017 7:35 p.m. PST |
Cathus | 26 Jan 2017 9:25 a.m. PST |
Nice one, saw this for the first time today and saved for reference |
Planes and Punting | 15 Feb 2017 10:47 a.m. PST |
Great guide, very helpful-even if I have never used a Vallejo color in my life! |
ScottS | 26 Apr 2017 6:49 a.m. PST |
Probert… This guide to german uniform painting is nonsense, using such a wide range of vallejo colours is foolish, amateurish & a waste of money, The first basics for a model painter, is to know how to mix & blend the right colours to the required effect. Anyone who uses anything other than blue, yellow, red, white, and black is DOING IT WRONG. |
zoneofcontrol | 26 Apr 2017 5:07 p.m. PST |
ScottS- Agreed. My Armored Vehicles are blue. My Softskins are yellow. My Aircraft are red. My Troops are white. My other accessories are black. |
ScottS | 27 Apr 2017 5:42 p.m. PST |
I was thinking in terms of mixing those paints, but I'm happyy to see alternatives. |
Marc the plastics fan | 08 May 2017 1:51 a.m. PST |
donkey1 | 08 May 2017 5:35 a.m. PST |
I am trying to paint some 20mm 1940 Battle of France Germans, I am probably overthinking, but I find myself paralysed, unable to make a decision. There are two issues, I'll deal with the easiest one first. Helmet Colour – Seen references to Dark Green and Dark Grey. I believe that they started off as a satin green and this was used in Poland. But the sheen was found to create reflections which gave position away so it was changed to non-reflected dark grey. So I assume that dark grey is the way to go. Uniform – this is the one that is puzzling me and the extensive list at the front of this thread adds more confusion. The alternatives seem to be (1) field grey, tunic and trousers (2) uniform green for tunic and field grey for trousers (3) uniform green for tunic and some other grey for the trousers. I appreciate variations resulting from different manufacturers and fading but I definitely see references to where the tunic is green and the trousers are grey. I quite like the idea of the uniform green and grey as it would make the figures look more interesting but would that be appropriate for France 1940.? And if so, what grey should the trousers be? Cheers, Nigel |
Mick in Switzerland | 08 May 2017 6:37 a.m. PST |
As far as I understand, helmets were made in both Dark Green and Dark Grey throughout the war. Early War Army had Field Grey jackets and Stone Grey trousers. I am using Vallejo Model Colour London Grey 70.836 for the trousers. In the list above Probert recommends Vallejo Model Colour Neutral grey 70.992 Early War SS had Field Grey jackets and trousers. |
donkey1 | 08 May 2017 6:50 a.m. PST |
Thanks Mick, So when I see tunics that look green against the trousers, the tunic is actually Field Grey – it is the trousers that are different. But what confuses me still looking at the list in the OP is that there are two colours suggested for the tunic in the two sections Basic: V830 (Field Grey) Basic 1939+: V920 (German Uniform) So if I go with V992 (or V836) for the trousers, should I use V830 or V920 for the tunic? Cheers, Nigel |
Mick in Switzerland | 08 May 2017 10:38 p.m. PST |
Dear nheather I would use VMC 830 Field Grey for standard uniforms in woolen cloth. This is most of the jackets in 1940 France, Belgium and Holland and also 1941 Russia. There is a HBT version of the uniform which was used in Yugoslavia and Greece etc. HBT is herringbone twill, which is a cotton fabric similar to denim. This was Reed Green. I use VMC 920 for Reed Green items. Here are some painting guides that I wrote several years ago. TMP link Regards Mick
donkey1 | 09 May 2017 1:58 p.m. PST |
Many thanks Mick, I had seen the info in that link before, and now that I look at it again I am a little more confused. This would suggest that the trousers are Field Grey (no mention of Neutral or London Grey) and that the tunic is Reed Green. Cheers, Nigel |
Mick in Switzerland | 09 May 2017 9:19 p.m. PST |
Dear Nigel, I wrote those guides ten years ago and I am currently working on updating them. Regards Mick |
Mick in Switzerland | 19 May 2017 9:57 a.m. PST |
Many shades were within the range of colours called Field Grey. There are some garments which are German Dark Green 70.979 German Field Grey WW2 70.831 US Dark Green 70.893 Russian Uniform 70.924 German Uniform 70.920
LORDGHEE | 12 Jun 2017 6:30 a.m. PST |
ahuuugh here is why painting Germans is easy or hard. It is a point of view thing. link Green to mouse grey by wars end, but if you look at real color pictures it was a green most of the time. and the German army painted everything green, helmets, MG ammo boxes, Mortar tubes, kit |
Probert | 19 Jun 2017 10:51 a.m. PST |
I haven't been posting regularly for a long time, can't believe some of my lists are still around. The computer they were saved on died long ago, so it is great that I can get them back. |
Kungfucius | 22 Jun 2017 2:38 a.m. PST |
Hi Probert So I have a chance to say thank you |