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"Minis to represent militia or local troops for Gloire?" Topic

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Deathwing08 Jan 2007 5:59 p.m. PST

Greetings everyone. I need troops to represent the local troops of a small lord or perhaps the local militia for a upcoming convention game. I'm not looking for the Cardinal's Guard as they are way to fancy, but I would like a little uniformity. This is set in generic French setting so I'm looking for Hollywood accuracy. I'm also looking guys with swords or halberds. Most guys I like tend to be wielding pikes. Any ideas?

Lowtardog08 Jan 2007 6:13 p.m. PST

Gamezone Imperials are ideal expensive but nice

Cacique Caribe08 Jan 2007 6:26 p.m. PST

If you get a bargain on these on ebay, a few of them could be useful:



Deathwing08 Jan 2007 8:52 p.m. PST

I have the empire militia, but there going to be used as villagers intent on being unruly. I'm looking for guys that are more uniform in appearance. I mean that literally. Guys in uniforms or at least outfits that can be painted in the same colors. Thanks.

Deathwing08 Jan 2007 8:53 p.m. PST

Also, the game zome site is in Spanish. My Spanish is worse than my Japanese; which is horrendous.

Rattrap108 Jan 2007 9:30 p.m. PST

DW: Check out any company's ECW range. They would serve as rank and file troops for a small noble. Also look for Spanish conquistadores. If you can find some generic troops for that they would also serve as rank and file.


Lee Brilleaux Fezian08 Jan 2007 9:44 p.m. PST

If you can get some fairly basic ECW pikemen with open hands, you can get halberds separately – I think Magister Militum (is that right? The people who made the recent nativity scene) has some. In general, halberds had fallen out of battlefield use by the Three Musketeers period, but they are exactly right for local squabbles with unruly passers by, in taverns and dark alleyways.

PeteMurray09 Jan 2007 5:38 a.m. PST

I was going to ring in and say exactly what Rich and Mexican Jack Squint said: ECW pikemen with separate halberds (mine came from Redoubt, 10 for a buck). Levied troops would sometimes buy their own armor, or pick up dad's old kettle helm for an added bit of protection. Sometimes the only "uniform" they'd get would be a shirt of a particular color.

You can always give them a Musketeer-type officer to lead them, but paint the clothes in more drab and dirty colors.

Chris V09 Jan 2007 6:29 a.m. PST

I've got a lot of Empire stuff left over from my Warhammer days. I'm already putting together the militia to use as ruffians. Can I use any of the other Empire models for Gloire? I'm just ignorant of the period, I'm afraid.


PeteMurray09 Jan 2007 6:45 a.m. PST

The more Landsknechtian troops are, strictly speaking, 100 years too early for the period of the Three Musketeers.

But you go ahead and do what you would like and never look back.

Truth be told, I have some Landsknechts I'm using as a merchant's bodyguard.

Lee Brilleaux Fezian09 Jan 2007 7:43 a.m. PST

If I had a full Landsknecht costume, I'd pass it on to my grandkids. It's be "Way Cool", as they said in the 1620s.

Actually slightly dated looking troops would be ideal for the local militia types – maybe something from the Wars of Religion period. Old Glory have figures for this period, which are cheap if you don't mind buying a lot in one go, although I endorse the accepted wisdom that you should always examine OG figures before buying them.

John the OFM09 Jan 2007 7:47 a.m. PST

West Wind/Old Glory also have some peasants with pitchforks and crossbows in the Vampire Wars range.
They are more "generic peasant" than period specific, but what the heck.

You may want to try dismounted Marlburian or Grand Alliance dragoons for really rough looking characters.

Essex, Foundry and Old Glory make great Cossack infantry which may be gleaned for useful types.

PeteMurray09 Jan 2007 8:06 a.m. PST

If I had a full Landsknecht costume, I'd pass it on to my grandkids.

"Hey Grandpa, what's this part called?"

"A codpiece."

"Way cool!"

PeteMurray09 Jan 2007 8:39 a.m. PST

Dragoons are always a good choice for the nobleman who needs a retinue but is mindful of his budget. Seriously. Remember, muskets and carbines count as Clubs when used in close combat, and the dragoons would have long blades. Again, ECW listings are your friends.

Deathwing09 Jan 2007 10:23 a.m. PST

Alright I'll be looking into ECW than. Old glory tops priority as I belong to their army. Thanks all.

Deathwing09 Jan 2007 2:11 p.m. PST

Anyone know of a US retailer for Redoubt. Their US shipping chargers are killer (40%). Thanks.

The Lost Soul09 Jan 2007 3:33 p.m. PST

While I'd also go for ECW troops first, one might want to consider Vendel's Elizabethans as well. They have simple enough attire to fit pretty much anywhere in the age of swashbucklers as "common" troops, eg. jail guards, nightwatchmen, the goons of some provincial sheriff, and so on.

Personal logo Condotta Supporting Member of TMP09 Jan 2007 7:06 p.m. PST

Deathwing, try:


Deathwing09 Jan 2007 8:32 p.m. PST

Ooh…choices. I like Vendel and Redoubt. How do these lines mix with Brigade Games stuff. I've read somewhere that Redoubt are rather large. Thanks everyone.

The Lost Soul10 Jan 2007 9:47 a.m. PST

The Redoubt figures are large, yes (at least the Three Musketeers and ECW ranges, the Pirates are tiny by comparison for some reason). The Vendels are true 28mm and somewhat stockier-looking. I don't have any of the Brigade Games musketeers yet but have been given to understand they're slightly smaller than the Redoubts, however not so much they won't look good together.

Deathwing12 Jan 2007 5:33 p.m. PST

You know I think I found the perfect guys. Bicorne miniatures has two packs of pikeman meleeing with swords; both unarmored and armored. They don't have picture, but pics with normal pikeman look cool. I think I'll get both packs just to have some variety. The peasants are tempting me as well. Maybe I'll use them as moving encounter markers. :)

Flashman188922 Jan 2007 10:54 a.m. PST

Hey Bud,

Did you check out the Foundry Line. The thirty years war would be perfect, or if you go elizabethan you can try the seadogs or the conquistadors.


The Lost Soul31 Jan 2007 9:23 p.m. PST

Foundry also have packs of seperate weapons so converting pike-wielding or open-handed figures is pretty easy. Also check out Essex for weapon packs though I've not compared them for scale to Foundry figures and they may be a little on the small side. Most figures depicted as holding pikes/spears on Foundry's site are actually openhanded for you to add wire spears/pikes. And if you're using GW figures at all – perhaps a bit early for your peiod though – the scales and overall looks would mix pretty well.

Rich Knapton01 Feb 2007 6:54 p.m. PST

In Redoubts ECW they offer French figures.


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