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"Aye`s HOW TO MAKE PALMS!!" Topic

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Aye ghurkhali17 Nov 2006 3:23 a.m. PST

Ok, as required from some of you guys, i will explain you how i make my palm trees.
I beg you pardon for my written english (not my mother tongue..sorry)
Well, let`s start with listing the materials we need:
-Common aluminium foil (…the one you use to wrap sandwiches..)
- wire (0,2 to 0,5 thick)
-Das Pronto (modelling clay)
- special glue.
Take about 50-60 cm of alu foil and fold it in two. Alu foils have a "shining" and a "Matt" side, fold it so that the matt side is outside.Glue the two Shining side together with a very strong glue (special glue…`s alu!). Let the glue dry and then after spray the alu foil with a dark shade of green or dark olive green. Once the paint is dry give a little layer of matt varnish.

Draw the form of the palm leaves on the alu foil (make big, small and medium to have a choice). Cut the leaves one by one out and check that all are well glued together. Take a wire (lead or silver..i`m using silver one`s)and cut it a big longer than the leave itself, glue it in the center of the leaves (use rapid drying glues).

Here is the moment to paint the leaves. My way to do it is that i will use 2 shade of lighter greens and than a wash with dark green (very diluited). Now the last touch: using yellow or similar shades drybrush the leaves very lightly, retouch if needed the greens. The central wire of the leaves are in golden brown

Using a "curved" cissors , start to cut the leaves. I always start from the top of the leaves, "slicing" the alu until you "feel" the central wire. Once you have cut the leaves you must give the last retouches. Cutting the alu will make so that probably some "spots" on the leaves are shining alu!! Just give a touch of green or yellow on the spot. Make now on the whole leaves a diluited black wash.

Step 5
The leaves are now finished. just give them the shape you want and that`s it!!

Lets make the palm trunk now.
Take a piece of plastic of the required lenght you want. (you can use the lenght of the sprues or a barbecue wood stick) this will be the "heart" of the trunk. Take a quantity of Das Pronto and roll it like a cigar until you reach the desired diameter of the palm you want to do. Stick the plastic or wood all trough the Das Pronto "cigar".
Wait about 5 minutes and then with a knife start to model the trunk by just pressing the knife on the trunk, simulating the typical palm trunk. Painting the trunk i usualy use a very dark shade as base and the lightening with light colours and at the end a brown or black wash.

Now we have to assembly the palm. Drill small holes in the palm trunk, take the leaves one by one and with a strong glue, glue it in the holes you`ve made. Shape leaves by leaves now, giving them the shape you desire.

OK i think.. this is it. Feel free to ask any question about it.
I woul like also, just short, show you also the "aquarium" plants.


Last words: This technik has advantage and disvantage. Advantage is that you can give the form you like at the leaves, even on the leaves itself you can shape the small leaves one by one (if you like!). The result is IMO very good.
Disvantage are basically the long working procedure.

These leaves are not only good for palms but you can use them as a "low" vegetation or as just growing little palms hereunder few piccies of what i mean.

Ok I hope you can undertand my explanations…..otherwise …just ask again.

Hope you like it


Geoff B17 Nov 2006 4:16 a.m. PST

Excellent article Aye……thanks for posting it!
Ive used aquarium plants for jungle scenery before…but never tried your method for [palm trees.Gonna have to give it a go!!

Ditto Tango 2 117 Nov 2006 5:22 a.m. PST

I really, really appreciate this Aye, thank you. It's great to see someone take such pride in their modelling work as well.

Sumo Boy17 Nov 2006 6:53 a.m. PST

Thank you for sharing your experience, A.G.!

combatpainter Fezian17 Nov 2006 7:04 a.m. PST

Should have sent this to Bill for a Workshop article.

phililphall17 Nov 2006 7:45 a.m. PST

Very nice. One question though. Looking at the pictures of the jungle, what are you using as ground cover?

Yonderboy17 Nov 2006 10:45 a.m. PST

Wow. Excellent how to and nice finished product.

CeruLucifus17 Nov 2006 12:12 p.m. PST

Thanks for this explanation, it is very clear and the pictures look great.

One question. Is there any reason you don't put the wire inside the two layers of alu? It seems like that would save a step.

Aye ghurkhali18 Nov 2006 12:42 a.m. PST

As a ground base i also used Das Pronto. Great for such things, it is light when dry and you have plenty of time to medell it!!!

Putting the wire already inside the leaves could make it more difficult to glue it together. Important is also that there are not "air bubbles " in the alu foil.

Thanks to all for the nice comments and……keep modelling!!


CeruLucifus18 Nov 2006 2:21 a.m. PST

'Putting the wire already inside the leaves could make it more difficult to glue it together. Important is also that there are not "air bubbles " in the alu foil.'

Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks for the response.

The Sentient Bean18 Nov 2006 5:57 a.m. PST

Very nice! I like!

Chevalier de la Terre18 Nov 2006 6:55 a.m. PST

Awsome! Thanks Mate, I have to try this…


Squash18 Nov 2006 10:25 a.m. PST

what glue do you use on the alfoil?

French Wargame Holidays19 Nov 2006 4:10 a.m. PST


excellent tutorial mate


Aye ghurkhali19 Nov 2006 11:30 p.m. PST

Nice to see you here Matt

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