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"Warfare Show - Reading, UK 18th & 19th Nov 06" Topic

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General Gray31 Oct 2006 5:58 a.m. PST

The Warfare show is less than weeks away now!

It is held at Rivermead Leisure Complex in Reading, UK.

It has a large car park, bus links and the Reading Railway station is only a short distance away. Catering is available on and off site.

Doors open to the Public at 10am.

Family ticket is £4.00 GBP

We have over 65 Traders attending, who are located in the Main Hall.

A large Bring and Buy located in the Thames Suite.

Up to 22 Demonstration and Participation games are being put on per day. More than half of these games are Participation games.

Have a look at our Website for details of these games. The periods and themes will appeal to all ages and tastes.

The games will be located in Main Hall, the Bowling hall and a few in the Thames Suite. There will be alot of Participation Games in the Bowling hall this year (which is a new layout for us). These games in the Bowling hall especially will appeal to the younger gamers – such as Chariot Racing, Sci-fi racing, Star Wars, Starship troopers and several Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror games.

Up to 6 society stands, mostly in the main hall.

There are the Warfare Competitions which will be in the Bowling hall and in Rivermead's squash courts area.

We have a raffle, which will have some electrical goods such as DVD player, Digital Camera etc. as the top prizes.

If you have any sensible questions and comments, post them here, and we'll do our best to answer them.

Wargames Association of Reading

Supreme Dalek31 Oct 2006 6:52 a.m. PST

"Family ticket is £4.00 GBP GBP"

So 2 adults/2 children will cost £4.00 GBP total?

IUsedToBeSomeone31 Oct 2006 7:15 a.m. PST

It was last year, basically you are only paying for the Wargamer, family get in free. Which meant there were a lot of families walking around last year and I think is something more shows should adopt..


Mocaiv31 Oct 2006 7:32 a.m. PST

I am looking forward to it!

…and I have a shopping list…

cherrypicker31 Oct 2006 9:16 a.m. PST

So do I, Just don't tell the wife.

OH and we will be there with the biggest range of cases, storage boxes and foam trays available on the market.


Paulbytheriver31 Oct 2006 2:34 p.m. PST

This is very much one of the best shows at this end of the year, relatively easy to get to, free parking on site and a great selection of traders too. I'm already making my shopping list.


Mechman31 Oct 2006 3:35 p.m. PST

It is the only show I make sure I get to these days. I used to go to Colours before they moved it to the race course instead but now much prefer Warefare. Took the wife last year and she really enjoyed it said that most of the traders she talked were helpful as she's not a gamer herself.I actually ended up getting more goodies then if I had gone alone plus she got me some xmas gifts as well.

Needless to say I am taking her with me again this year.

The admission took me by surprise last year, well worth it.


Craig Austin05 Nov 2006 4:45 p.m. PST

Free Car Parking?????
Where's that?
I thought all the car park was now a pay & display with daft rules so it was worth while paying for a few hours then going back to feed the meter rather than paying for the full day up front.
Also noticed last year that the burger van in the car park was more expensive & had less choice than the leisue centre refreshments.
Still one of the best shows around & good fun for the family if you fit in a visit to the pool – great rides & waves.

General Gray06 Nov 2006 7:23 a.m. PST

To answer some of the above questions and queries…..

The entry is £4.00 GBP for a family. So effectively just the adult wargamer is paying to get in. Our door Controller(s) will advise you on the door, if there are any unusual entry combinations.

The car park is now a pay and display, which has been the case for a few years now. The cost is reasonable and the car park charges have been put in place by Rivermead and the local Council, not our show.

Don't forget there are bus and rail links if you don't drive or don't want to pay for parking at Rivermead.

From a family point of view, there are many suitable Participation games for the younger gamers this year. Plus Rivermead does have the swimming pool for other family members.

There is catering in the Rivermead Bowling Hall and in the Rivermead restaurant/bar area, plus a hot food van outside in the carpark. There are other nearby catering outlets if your palette requires other options.

Wargames Association of Reading

dumelow08 Nov 2006 1:30 p.m. PST

definitely the best show on my trade circuit and has been for many years. See you all there,

Andy D

RichardHolling08 Nov 2006 5:09 p.m. PST

I'll be there bring back Minfigs 15mm Napoleonics and 20mm Platoon20 figures after an absence of a few years. See me in the middle of the main hall Principles of War.

There will also be preview copies of POW Ancients lists on the stall….

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