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1,568 hits since 4 Jun 2003
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Wastenott04 Jun 2003 5:35 a.m. PST

Does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes bugs (a la Starship Troopers) in 15mm?

How do GW's Epic40K Tyranids look in comparison to 15mm...too small?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


GeoffQRF04 Jun 2003 5:53 a.m. PST

GZG do some nice ones, bigger than 15mm though (although if it's a bug who's to say what scale it is!?)

Peter Pig have/had Phugs, 15mm crab-like bugs.

Freikorp do some a la alien and predator in 15mm

sunjester04 Jun 2003 6:07 a.m. PST

Pendraken do some nice ones. They are actually 10mm, but the warrior bugs are large enough to go with 15mm figures.

streetline04 Jun 2003 6:12 a.m. PST

40K are to small really - unless you want poodle sized bugs. Peter Pig still do Phugs, but the nicest I've seen are Pendraken, and the fact I bought mine from Sunjester is irrelevant... :)


Hundvig Fezian04 Jun 2003 6:24 a.m. PST

The Epic 40K Tyranid infantry will be too small for 15mm, as Streetline said. The various "tanks" might be useable, especially as some kind of bioweapon gun platform. The biotitans are big enough to be 15mm tank-equivalents and do have a nice "spider" look to them.

Wastenott04 Jun 2003 6:45 a.m. PST

Thanks to everyone for the replies!

I visited Pendraken's site but unfortunately they don't have any pictures of the figs. Does anyone know of a site that has pictures of the Pendraken bugs? I'd much rather see the figs before blindly placing an order.

Thanks again!

streetline04 Jun 2003 7:08 a.m. PST

Right... don't ask how i got here, but going to google and searching for images using the term "seidl figures" will bring some cached pages of pendraken piccies, but the original page has sadly gone. Good luck!

Saginaw04 Jun 2003 7:23 a.m. PST

Vohramir, don't discount the toy aisle of your local grocery store, dollar stores, and party supply stores. I recently found some BIG insects (namely dung beetles and grasshoppers) at my local grocery store and was really tempted to buy them....just in case.

emau9904 Jun 2003 7:40 a.m. PST

I've used Warhammer Fantasy spiders (and serpents) quite successfully in 15mm games. The spiders look like...well...spiders, rather than ST "bugs", but they're sufficiently scary-looking.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian04 Jun 2003 7:51 a.m. PST

Scotia make some bugs for 6mm scale, but they're "giant bugs in power suits" so could work for 15mm (12mm tall figures, "crouched" pose).

Personal logo Dentatus Sponsoring Member of TMP Fezian04 Jun 2003 9:53 a.m. PST

Doesn't GZG make 15mm "Starship Trooper" bugs? I know they have them in 25mm,( I own several) but I believe they're in there for 15 mm as well.

StarshipTrooper04 Jun 2003 11:11 a.m. PST

You can get Starship trooper like multi-part metal bugs from Eureaka in Austraila,
from GZG in England or Brigade Games in the USA, in 15 and 25mm scales, which are quite nice

Wastenott04 Jun 2003 1:01 p.m. PST

I been through GZG's site pretty extensively and couldn't locate the bugs in 15mm. I've e-mailed them and hopefully they exist because they are exactly what I'm looking for.

But, if worse comes to worse, I've got lots of good leads to fill out my bug horde. I'll let you know what I find out from GZG.


alien BLOODY HELL surfer04 Jun 2003 2:46 p.m. PST

i bought a GZG bug on a whim at Salute, and it's bloody good! I think, given the ratio in size between man and bug in the film, that they would just about do - they'd be about twice the size of a 15mm trooper. I think you could possibly use GW gargoyles with a bit of work as the flying creatures.

Cameron04 Jun 2003 7:44 p.m. PST

I must give the highest recommendation to the Eureka bugs. I have them in 25mm but I believe they are also available in 15mm. They are wonderful and Nic Robson is as nice a guy as you are ever likely to meet in the minis world. In addition, my orders from Australia usually reach me here in Texas faster than US manufacturers ship...

ODoughan05 Jun 2003 5:37 a.m. PST

I have heard that you will have to email Eureka and ask specifically about the bugs. It's apparently called "Chaos Chicken", if I'm not mistaken.

Wastenott05 Jun 2003 6:13 a.m. PST

I sent an e-mail to GZG inquiring about a 15mm version of their 25mm bugs. I received a prompt reply from Jon this morning...

"We do them in 6mm (DSM-130), which you could use for hordes of small bugs in 15mm, but we don't actually do a 15mm version." -Jon

Next stop, Eureka Miniatures. I've ordered from Nic several times and been very pleased with his service. I'll see if they carry a 15mm bug and let you all know. Failing that, I'll probably go with Pendraken, they seem to have the closest match.

As a side note, quite a few figures from GW's Epic40K Tyranids work very well in 15mm. My local shop had a few old blisters on clearance and they match up nicely. The "rank-and-file" Tyranids are too small, but a lot of the others (Carnifex, Zoanthrope, Dominatrix) work very well.

Thane Morgan05 Jun 2003 6:51 a.m. PST

The Epic lictors make good basic troopers, and there are two or three of the transport bugs that would make good larger troops, though I can't think of their names anymore. The bad news about the lictors is that you basically need to spend $10 for two sprues of bug infantry that will be too small, to get 2 lictors. The carnifexes are a bit large but dont have guns, they are metal and came in way over priced blisters, so I think you get 3 for $10.

I think Outland Games have 15mm bugs specifically for sci-fi gaming.

ArchDuck Chuck05 Jun 2003 6:59 a.m. PST

Stan Johansen makes some stuff that might be useful:


RockyRusso05 Jun 2003 9:17 a.m. PST


"Bug Hunts" are really popular in my groups. (though sometimes the "bug hunt" is a squad of british regulars with Martinis behind meele bags...but you get the idea).
For a very long time(requires sometimes doing your own rules), I have used several different bug types. I have a large quantity of McEwen upright walking man sized bugs(some withweapons) for the "educated bugs". And I have bulk packs of other bugs from the toy store. Giant Ants and spiders can be had in packs where the bugs are 5 to 10mm long, and come in packs of a hundred for about a dollar. For the mindless wave attacks
"bugs Mr Rico, Zillions of them".


The Lost Soul05 Jun 2003 6:06 p.m. PST

I've designed a paper model of a Warrior Bug from Starship Troopers. It's designed for 28-30 mm, but it would be easy enouph to scale it down. I found the only practical way to get a hundred bugs on the table was to make them out of paper. Right now it is uncolored, hoping to finish it this weekend and upload it to If you want to see a test buld of it go to the Brabantini Yahoo Group, you will have to join. The pic is in the photo's section in Jim Hartman"s folder. I plan more bug varients in the future, about one a month, so check every so often. JIM

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