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"Gaming Modern Lost Worlds (Mokele-Mbembe)" Topic

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2,943 hits since 25 Jul 2006
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Cacique Caribe26 Jul 2006 5:59 a.m. PST

I guess I have the dinosaurs and pygmies covered for this.

However, what 28-30mm figures would you recommend for a modern-day (early 21st Century) expedition that accidentally runs into a Lost World in Africa or other tropical location?

It could be a military or corporate-driven expedition (for rescue operations, oil/mining prospecting, or even military surveillance).




DalyDR26 Jul 2006 7:25 a.m. PST

Copplestone's Mercenaries and some of the Trooper miniatures from his Future Wars line, perhaps? One or two of the Citizen Militia as well.


AcrylicNick26 Jul 2006 7:58 a.m. PST

The Tepuis of South America would be an ideal setting for that:

Doesn't Copplestone even have one or two blisters of 'Jungle Troopers'?

Oh, wait, you said Pygmies? Well then it's gonna be Africa, I guess.

artslave26 Jul 2006 9:17 a.m. PST

I could recommend the very nice figs from TAG, specifically the African soldiers and militia. (The fact that I just bought these very things at Historicon might factor in) Hunting togs and pith helmets can still be concidered "standad" equipment even now, so the lovely Foundry Darkest Africa figs can translate. Hey CC, I used my Cave-in-a-box for my African/SG-1 Adventure. It would also transfer. This is an idea I've stolen from others to expand the board size into another dimension. When the explorers find a special area, they can move off the main map to a side board. This has allowed me to keep the maximum area for exploring while gaining more detailed sites for extra play area. I have every intension of using this for "Lost World".

Farstar26 Jul 2006 9:51 a.m. PST

"Oh, wait, you said Pygmies? Well then it's gonna be Africa, I guess."

Not necessarily. "Lost worlds" allow for considerable latitude (or, in this case, longitude). "Olmec Pygmy Wardrummers of the Vanishing Tepui" sounds amusing…

Cacique Caribe26 Jul 2006 11:25 a.m. PST
Sumo Boy27 Jul 2006 6:31 a.m. PST

Hmm, maybe some of the Street Violence range from Foundry would do?

Backstreet Militia:

Cacique Caribe28 Jul 2006 10:18 a.m. PST

Thanks for the suggestions!


Cacique Caribe04 Sep 2006 2:39 p.m. PST

I love this picture:


Cacique Caribe10 Mar 2007 11:33 a.m. PST

I wish my Italian was better than it is:


Plenty of other potentially game-inspiring results:


DAWGIE11 Mar 2007 7:32 a.m. PST

HMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm. . . .how about these DAWGIE thoughts, CC?

a. UN/NATO humanitarian mission to some horror wracked area of the world (disease/famine/genocide/civil war).

b. independent _or_corporate_or government oil/gas exploration team _or drilling operation in remote area.

c. independent _or_corporate_or government gold, diamond, fissionables prospecting team or mining operation in a remote area.

d. highway_or_railway route survey team moving into/through a little known area of the interior. could also be actual_construction teams_moving into the area.

e. foreign contractors hired to build one _or_more advanced civil or military airfields deep in the little known interior for the local government.

f. independent_or_corporate_or government survey team hired to chart unknown interior waterways.

g. independent _or_museum_or_university_or_corporate_or government sponsored/approved scientific/medical expedition dispatched into the back of beyond.

h. official rescue/recovery mission dispatched into a little known area of the interior to locate a downed aircraft. said aircraft can be a civilian air/cargo flight, corporate logistics/re-supply flight lost due to mechanical failure, sabotage, terrorist action, bad weather, etc.

i. secret drug cartel expedition sent into the interior to locate/recover the cargo of a crashed smuggler's plane to cartel control. aircraft was lost due similiar circumstances as outline above. complications could include a rival cartel out to recover the goodies for their own use _or some independents hoping to make their own fortune_or_ the forces of law/order destroy same and eliminate cartel expedition!

j. the (corrupt) minster of internal security forces and his (corrupt) para-military henchmen might also be involved in an attempted locate/recover operation under the guise of an official government operation.

k. mercenary_or_government strike forces searching for insurgent base camps deep inside the largely unknown interior. insurgents retreating deeper into the interior under heavy presure from government forces.

l. USG/NATO/OTHER GOVERNMENT covert mission to recover data from a downed manned_or_drone surveillance aircraft.

m. secret mission to recover data_or_specimens from a downed spy/research satellite/manned space mission before_a rival power does same.

n. covert mission dispatched to locate/rescue survivors and retrieve data from a_covert_ deep space misson that went down (for wotever reason!) into the little known interior.

o. private_or_university_or_government_or corporate expedition organized to investigate reports of cryptozoic animals in the interior.

p. quest for a legendary lost treasure ("KING SOLOMAN'S MINES", "CITY OF OPAR", "ROMANCING THE STONE", etc).

q. a confirmed alien spacecraft has been shot down by one of the major powers of the world and has crashed into the interior of this little known hell-hole. the black ops race is on between world powers to locate the wreck/rescue any alien survivors/recover any/all alien tech ("BAMBOO SAUCER" revisted?).

r. allegedly abandoned NASA/USSR tracking station built in the 1960s is really being used to support government black ops research involving extremely_ dangerous_ ETA lifeforms recovered from a downed spacecraft.

s. expedition into the interior to survey and begin construction of a black ops research facility.

just some thoughts!


Cacique Caribe12 Mar 2007 6:44 a.m. PST

I like!!!!


Cacique Caribe20 Mar 2007 7:48 p.m. PST

Other illustrations:


Though it might just be a big fat snake in Lake Tele (Congo).


Cacique Caribe14 Jul 2007 6:51 p.m. PST

"Dad, remember that Mom said to get Elephant meat! She said she's tired of chicken."

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