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"Pirate Flags & Tortuga Map" Topic

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15,691 hits since 29 Jun 2006
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Calico Bill29 Jun 2006 3:27 a.m. PST

I'm starting a Pirate RPG/Minis campaign shortly. Where can I get a "Skull & Crossbones" (or better still a Rackam Skull & crossed swords) 3'x4'in Australia. I also need a map of Tortuga with a bit of detail. Can anyone help?

Lowtardog29 Jun 2006 3:44 a.m. PST

Warflag have some great flags for pirates and if memory serves me the Foundry website has some in their downloads section.

These can be saved and resized to fit

Chronofus29 Jun 2006 3:47 a.m. PST

Calico, you can find full size flags on Ebay locally reasonably easily. There are a few styles to chose from.

Maps of Turtuga I have somewhere, if you can't dig one up easily, let me know in an email and I will scan them.

Schogun29 Jun 2006 3:53 a.m. PST

Try Fern Canyon Press. Nice people.


Lowtardog29 Jun 2006 4:08 a.m. PST

Sorry on wrong topic, didnt notice the Feet reference

Calico Bill29 Jun 2006 6:02 a.m. PST

Thanks everyone, especially Chronofus. I took your advice and (hopefully) my flag will soon be on the way. I'd like to trade on your good nature and ask you for that Tortuga map, as my searches have turned up next to nothing. I'm at Thank you.
Anyone have any overhead view drawings of a sloop or pirate ship? I need a deck for my minis to fight on. Any scale as I can photocopy resize.

Chronofus29 Jun 2006 7:40 a.m. PST

I recall a nice one in the old D&D module U1 – Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh that would do, though it has a deck or two to cull. Most of the genuine diagrams I have are isometric in style or partial plans of the top deck and not directly suitable for your purpose. I am assuming this is early era piracy if you are using Tortuga, or is this a later re opening of the island in an attempted rebirth of its glory?

jpattern229 Jun 2006 7:47 a.m. PST

Not quite what you're asking for, but Dragon magazine issue 318 featured a great map of Port Royal. Still available from for $6 USD

I don't know how much detail you need, but a Google image search for "hispaniola" turns up lots of hits of varying detail, including some antique maps. (Not much detail for Tortuga, though.)

Here's a map of modern Tortuga I found: picture

jpattern229 Jun 2006 7:55 a.m. PST

Here are deck plans for a modern-day reconstruction of a small sailing ship of the right era, the Friendship, out of Salem, Massachusetts: picture

It could easily be used as a small pirate vessel. There's a lot more information, including construction photos, on the main site: link

Ted Arlauskas29 Jun 2006 9:45 a.m. PST

The Foundry website has an article about Tortuga and a map here:

and some pirate flags too:
PDF link
PDF link

Farstar29 Jun 2006 2:08 p.m. PST

Foundry's "Captain Gibbons' Flotsam" doesn't actually have any gibbons.

Calico Bill29 Jun 2006 2:45 p.m. PST

Thank you Gentlemen, I'm impressed as usual. Nice article Ted, but I need a better map. The modern map of jpattern2 is the only large scale one I've seen. Good deck plans as well. I'll check out the Dragon mag & D&D article..some of my D&D loving friends may have these. Chronofus, no I'm just doing an early pirate campaign. It's proving more difficult than I had hoped.

Chronofus29 Jun 2006 3:00 p.m. PST

There are plenty of good early maps about. I am sure I have small collection pre scanned on my old PC somewhere plus some links.

Also check Eureka's new Portugese sailors which will do for any other nation during this early era for your tabletop.


I will try and scan your maps in the next couple of days and send them off and also add them to the website. If I am lsow you are welcome to email me a reminder

iceaxe29 Jun 2006 4:18 p.m. PST

Flags – If you are in Melbourne there's a guy who has a road stall usually on the Maroondah Hwy out of town, and also a shop in one of the markets, I could inquire.

It's the sort of thing you may pick up in a What's New store, or similar.

Scurvy29 Jun 2006 6:42 p.m. PST

I have a 3'x4' skull and crossbones but its too busy offending the neighbours to be loaned out at the moment.

Chronofus04 Jul 2006 1:13 a.m. PST

For those so inclined, I added the images to my site here:


sjpatejak24 Jul 2006 12:13 p.m. PST

A contemporary map of Tortuga is available at picture

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