"Saxon APC" Topic
12 Posts
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Redarmy3 | 14 May 2006 6:22 a.m. PST |
Anyone know if Saxon is used in Iraq and if so were I could find pictures on the the net of Saxon in Iraq I am interested in finding out the colour scheme i.e. are they green and black NATO europe colours or desert sand yellow. |
TuffSkull | 14 May 2006 6:55 a.m. PST |
I know its not a direct help, but a mate of mine has recently returned from A tour of duty in Afghanistan. We went through his pics & videos last thursday. The one saxon in his pics was green. Cheers, Paul "TuffSkull" T. mercenarybrush.com |
Jemima Fawr | 14 May 2006 7:17 a.m. PST |
British vehicles in Iraq tend to be painted green-and-sand, or just sand. I don't think the Saxon's been used in Iraq yet. |
glenbrooks | 14 May 2006 8:19 a.m. PST |
yep saxon and flying saxons are in Iraq. glen |
Redarmy3 | 14 May 2006 8:32 a.m. PST |
Gecoren | 14 May 2006 10:22 a.m. PST |
If it's like the flying Pig, it'll be a Saxon with mesh riot screens which can fold out. Guy |
nickinsomerset | 14 May 2006 10:55 a.m. PST |
Saxons, and Flying Saxons were parked up in Al Amarah last feb/March/ April, walked passed them often! Also HQ 7 Armd Bde had a couple as staff movers in 2003, one of which broke an axle. Also many vehicle retain their green/ black paint scheme, including warrior and CII. Not unusual to a warrior with KFOR markings on the up armour package! And the Saxon is such an ugly beast! Tally Ho! |
FROG OF WAR | 14 May 2006 12:36 p.m. PST |
The Saxon is possibly the worst vehicle ever, tips over on the smallest incline, cramped, has the turning circle of a house brick,and the driver uses the force to drive the thing, to many blind zones, one of the saxons I saw going out to Iraq, still had the Northern Ireland, Free phone number on the side..What I found funny was most of the Vehicles including the Challys still had the 'Hows My driving, phone etc etc' on the rear, my Rover was painted sand on one side, when they got around to the other they had runout of paint, but like nick said if you looked carefully on some of the vehicles you could still see Ifor, Sfor or KFor, either still visable or just painted over. We did have a couple of marines with us that had painted their BV 206's in 'Tiger Stripes'. Saxons suck, but they are better than walking. Cheers FoW |
nickinsomerset | 14 May 2006 1:06 p.m. PST |
The question before Telic Pt 1 was where to put the "Am I driving carefully stickers" Best idea was under neath and printed csrefully on each track pad! Tally Ho! (In squigly writing of course!) |
gamertom  | 14 May 2006 1:50 p.m. PST |
I just googled "Saxon APC" on Google's Images and found at least two pics of Saxons in Iraq. I must agree this is a big brute of a vehicle. It reminds me of the stuff used for GW 40K. |
Mdlmker | 15 May 2006 9:49 a.m. PST |
They shoulda stuck with the Saracen
.can't go too wrong with 6x6 and a good diesle engine! Much less chance of "High Center" syndrome. "Right, now lads, we are going to cross this ditch here, so everyone hang on
." Thump! Whriiiiiirrrrr, whriiiiirrrrr! "Blast it. Uhm, alright then, we seem to be, what is known as "High Centered" on the back portion of the ditch we were attempting to cross
..right, now everyone needs to exit the vehicle, and assist the driver in pushing it into the lower portion of the ditch. Then, we will be required to push it up the other side of the ditch, when it "High Centers" again on the front portion of the ditch. Everyone got it? Right, now let us depart the vehicle and assist the driver
." "Sgt Major, wouldn't have been better to have used the Saracens from the Motorpool? They, after all, had a better go at it, what with being six wheeled and all." "Right, well Private Jones, The Brithish Army felt that the four wheeled vehicle that has the silouete of a rather large barn, watch your self there, the shell fragments are getting a bit close I'd say, where was I? A yes, the four wheeled vehicle seems to be much
D'OH! Double D'OH! :-o :-o |
glenbrooks | 15 May 2006 1:31 p.m. PST |
i was a saxon driver , then a 2 i/c then a commander in one, love them, 2nd class ride beats the hell out of a first class walk. also as part of 19th inf bgd we could keep up with the armour . |