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"Figures on cover of "Charge"" Topic

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gungadin06 May 2006 7:31 a.m. PST

I know there has been a related tread lately; apologies for coming back to it. Anyone out there know where I can get my hands on some of the Lace Wars figures used to illustrate the original cover of "Charge" – i.e. the Red Coated Firing Line that we al drooled over when the book came out?
Who made those figures anyway? Thanks in advance.

gungadin06 May 2006 7:32 a.m. PST

Apologies the the "tread" – meant "thread" – must be "tyred".

Repiqueone06 May 2006 7:43 a.m. PST

They were "Willies" by William "Willie" Suren. For that era they were superb figures. 30 mm. but close to present day 28 mm.Foundry in size. The company has been out of business for years but I believe the moulds were sold to another company in England, but I cannot recall having seen the name.

They were a limited line, only marching and on guard foot, some officers. I don't remember if any cavalry existed for that period, but Suren did do horse for the Colonial Bengal Lancers period as I recall.

daghan06 May 2006 8:08 a.m. PST

You can still get the figures through link There is a Yahoo group: OS Wargamers where they discuss this kind of stuff in some detail.

jacdaw06 May 2006 8:23 a.m. PST

Willies are alive and kicking and I am busy rescupting the range and making lots of additions to the 18th century "D" Range. for sales contact Tradition Scandinavia or for more info contact me directly David Wilson Willie Figures France

gungadin06 May 2006 8:47 a.m. PST

Many thanks for the swift responses. I thought I knew the Willie range pretty well – I have fond memories of Suren's shop in Lower Sloane Street, and although the style is indeed his I did not recognise those particular figures. Anybody have any ideas which figures they are on the listings?

johnpreece06 May 2006 11:43 a.m. PST

The figures are French Infantry C1750 ; D4 firing position.

The current state of the Bleeped text moulds is (in my experience) very variable, having said that D4 is one of the better ones. Be aware that you will have to glue the musket in place and to get a really good join solder would originally have been used. They originally came cleaned and assembled and at a price that caused your eyes to water.

Currently easily available in the UK at £1.40 GBP each from Peter Johnstone.

The figures on the Front cover are by Stadden mainly Prussian Grenadiers available as above @ £1.05 GBP each.

I note that things seem to be transition at Tradition Scandanavia with the site redirecting to London. Anyone able to add more? also Mr Wilson I would love to know more of what you are planning and when and how the results will be available?

Finally please forgive me for putting this link up twice in three days but it really does seem apposite.

johnpreece06 May 2006 11:49 a.m. PST

How come when I say Willie the machine finds it offensive but others can say Willie, Willies.

But what about Bleeped texts, willy, Willy?

In this case the deletion makes it sound like I was being far more derogatory about the moulds than was the case.

From an especially foul mouthe old John.

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP06 May 2006 10:54 p.m. PST

FYI: the Willie/Suren figures are sculpted in a style that is similar to those that Peter Morbey of Elite Miniatures is doing these days (compare the faces). Elite has a small range of SYW Prussians that fit perfectly with the Willie figures in terms of sculpting style and size/height.

I hope that Mr. Wilson isn't joking about adding new sculpts. This news would be too good to be true.

jacdaw07 May 2006 3:01 a.m. PST

Dear Sirs
I would never joke about some thing as important. If you want some more info feel free to contact me on or directly Andes Linstrom at tradition scandinavia.I shall send a mail to Mr Armintrout with more info.
a bientôt David Wilson

ge2002bill Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2006 8:56 a.m. PST

Cher David,
Your news about the Edward Suren Willie 30mm D range is cheerful news I never thought I would read. In the 1980s when I was designing Drums of war Along The Mohawk for Seven Years' War war-gaming in North America, I thought it a good thing to try these miniatures and those of Charles Stadden as well. We used BIG battalions as described by Brigadier Peter Young in CHARGE and Charles Grant, Sr. in The WarGame. Their methods were, if I may say so, charming and also entirely visually appealing. Twenty years later we have shifted our big battalions back to the European Theatre. Battalions number 48 or 60 miniatures generally. I have battalions from Régiments Royal Roussillon, Berry, La Sarre, a small contingent using the Arquebusiers de Grassins, 46th Foot and a fine contingent of French and British artillerymen. My good tabletop companion Der Alte Fritz also has a fine body of Willie Prussians.
Now that we are war-gaming back in the European Theatre, I've particularly lamented the absence of Willie French horse régiments including the Cuirassiers du Roi. Indeed I planned to order miniatures for the latter in a month or two but will wait for you to possibly tell us what your plans are.
I wish you good luck and good fortune in your endeavor as I anxiously wait for news of your future production. It is my understanding from John P. in Old School wargamers egroup that your plans do indeed call for cavalry. I hope to figure out a way to get your news as quickly as I can.
Email =
Votre Serviteur,
Bill Protz

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP09 May 2006 10:04 a.m. PST

David: I hope that you will also consider resculpting some of the Willie horses. Many of them are very brittle where the hooves meet the base and they break easily. Also, many of the riders don't seat snuggly onto the back of the horse. I find that I have to spend a long time filing and hacking out great chunks of lead in order to make the figure fit onto the horse.

French Maison du Roi cavalry would be awesome.

jacdaw10 May 2006 8:24 p.m. PST

Hello there, yes I have already re-sculpted the horses, they have all been slimmed down a little, had their manes and tails improved where neccessary, feet reinforced or "grass patches" added for stability, also i have returned them to the original style, no more cast reins therefore no more metal bibs to cut awaythere are also a couple of horses which had never been produced before which have also been improved and added. the British horses with docked tails will be dealt with when I get around to sculpting the English Cavalry. The first 3 packs of French are now available and you can place orders via or via myself. The horses are being moulded at the moment and the sculpts for French command with vertical pockets and the civilian pack of ladies are finished and are awaitng moulding and I am working on the line cavalry at the moment.More updates as they arrive
Bet Wishes David

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